Trishal Pyraxia Character in Adamant | World Anvil
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Trishal Pyraxia

Trishal Pyraxia (a.k.a. The failure)

The second generation matriarch of the Pyraxia family. She took over from Gabrial Pyraxia once she died. Trishal never cared for strength or for the teachings of her mother so she never enforced the rules that Gabrial used to make the Pyraxia family a power worth consideration. Because of Trishal's lack of care the Pyraxia family fell to ruin.   Her Lifeday is the 21st of Mordread.   Fushiel Pyraxia's Lifeday is the 27th of Nerember

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She is old but still active. With a decently strong body she looks younger than she is. The only telling of age being her grey hair and wrinkled eyes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Trishal was born to Gabrial soon after the sundering of the Frozen Fields. An event where Gabrial tore the Pyraxia Sword from the heavens and broke Jeanne d'Arc. This event is what cemented the Pyraxia families strength.   As Trishal grew up her mother would promote strength and great power as the only true goal in life but she never cared. Trishal saw the bloodshed and war that her family caused and hated it. She learnt from her mother but they would argue a lot.   When Gabrial died, her life sapped by continued use of the Pyraxia heirloom, Trishal took control of the castle. She never wanted to, she just wanted to see the world but the other families would never let her leave so she stayed. She tried to be a force of good, she brought down most of the laws Gabrial had instituted. Making men equal to women, allowing anyone to become the next ruler, allowing children to choose their path in the world. She also removed the Pyraxia name from all records to allow future generations to grow up free from fear of stigma. She received severe pushback but due to her power and position there was nothing that could be done.   A few years into her rule she met another blood angel. Wandering the tundra of the Frozen Fields, trying to resist his bloodlust. This man was named Fushiel. Trishal brought him back to castle Pyraxia and nursed him to health, even teaching him to control his bloodlust. They spent a lot of time together and eventually fell in love. They married and soon after where blessed with a son. A boy named Joshiel and soon after a daughter. A daughter they named Maral. They raised them and for a time everything was great.   But Maral became fascinated with her grandmother. She wanted to learn as much as she could so Trishal taught her. As Maral grew she quickly became argumentative. She hated everything Lisal had done to the Pyraxia family, she wanted them to reclaim their glory. Trishal tried to change her mind but she couldn't and eventually Maral's rage overcame her and she slaughtered everyone who supported her mother. She then demanded control over the castle. Trishal trying to avoid anymore conflict agreed.   Maral's rein was fierce and strong. She reintroduced all rules that Trishal removed and pushed down all men including her father. Eventually Maral met a suitable mate and had two children, Sacriel and Ludoshiel. Maral despised them, especially Ludoshiel. She wanted daughters not weak males. She ignored them and forced them to fight to prove their worth. Trishal tried to fight it, she did all she could to try and stop it. She feared for Ludoshiel she sensed strength in him that could not be attained through sheer force. She knew Maral would push him until he died or it erupted from him. She begged until she couldn't take it anymore. She told Maral she would leave and never bother her again as long as she let her take Ludoshiel. Maral denied her request and instead told her if she didn't leave she would kill her, Fushiel and Ludoshiel.   Trishal left never having said a word to Ludoshiel. She now lives in a small house outside the bounds of Frostwood where her and Fushiel make a measly living fishing. Every day she prays to Skadi that Ludoshiel and Sacriel are safe. She begs that they be free from Maral.

Morality & Philosophy

Strength is something that should not be lorded over the weak. Instead it is a toll to protect those who cannot protect themselves.
Chaotic Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
1476 AA 1730 Years old
Dull crimson
Short Grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white

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