Hellcats Species in Adamant | World Anvil
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Hellcats are a bipedal anthropomorphic mammalian semi-feliform race, smaller than humans, with dense, fluffy fur, somewhat-tall ears and long tails, their fur usually a caramel brown with lighter cream-colored fur below their eyes and noses on their faces, and the front of their abdomens, their tails striped in both colours. Some hellcats have taller ears, and their fur is a single shade of slate grey all over. The hair on their heads, much like human hair, comes in varying shades of blonde, brown, grey, white, red, and most commonly black. Hellcat blood contains a type of neurotoxin that is at best unpalatable, and at worst, deadly.   They are considered adults at age 45, and usually live to around 210-220 years of age, some even reaching their 250s and beyond. Around age 110-140, a pair of sturdy horns, from which the race's Common name "hellcat" was bestowed, begin to develop and emerge from the forehead, growing larger with age. Horns are revered in their society as a symbol of wisdom, and willful damage of one's horns is considered a most heinous offense. In rare instances, younger hellcats may undergo precocious horn growth, with signs of development in such cases present at about age 35. These individuals are, according to folklore, purportedly gifted with wisdom beyond their years.

Basic Information


Hellcats are a bipedal anthropomorphic mammalian semi-feliform race, smaller than humans, with dense, fluffy fur, somewhat-tall ears and long tails, their fur usually a caramel brown with lighter cream-colored fur below their eyes and noses on their faces, and the front of their abdomens, their tails striped in both colors.

Genetics and Reproduction


Growth Rate & Stages

Mature by 45

Ecology and Habitats

They inhabit the Capital Plains and the Frozen Fields. The Frozen Field varient have much lighter fur.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They enjoy fish a lot. But eat a balanced diet.

Biological Cycle


Additional Information


Many adventurers will domesticate them and use them as companions as they travel through paradise.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Capital Plains and Frozen Fields

Average Intelligence

Decently intelligent.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All 5, exceptional hearing.
Scientific Name
Infernum Cattus
Conservation Status
Doing good
Average Height
Average Weight

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