The Treaty of New Anchorage Document in Actium | World Anvil
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The Treaty of New Anchorage

Excerpt from the treaty of New Anchorage.
"We, the dispossessed sons and daughters of Earth, find ourselves at a crossroads in the path of our wayward species. Lost children on a new, bountiful and hospitable world, far, far away from the lands of our birth, which we have destroyed through the arrogance and ill-temperament of our race. It is at this junction in our journey that we must ask ourselves an important question. One that will determine the fate of not only us, but of all of our descendants as well; 'Shall we return to the petty disputes and rivalries that pock-mark our history? The very same causes that lead the nations of our home world to scorch all that was good and beautiful on the Earth, and to nearly doom humanity? Ones the could very well doom our new home as well?' I say not! ... Fellow councilors... I stand before you on this day, not as an Arab, Not as a muslim, And not as a politician. I stand before you all as a fellow human being who grew up in and witnessed firsthand the sufferings caused by our failures to connect as one people! A human being who is tired of war, and wishes to never see it set foot upon this uncorrupted world. To you, I propose a new way! A way of peace!" -High Senator Ibrahim Faez, February 3rd, 2131
  Actium Constitution.
  1- All member states of the Actium Federation shall be guaranteed domestic autonomy, and the state shall not infringe upon the culture and laws of their people unless they are in direct violation of the treaty of New Anchorage.
  2- All member states shall be granted a seat on the Federation Senate, with the power to vote, veto, represent their people, and will be allowed to run for the office of High Senator, baring that they shall not put the needs of their own national, ethnic, or religious group over the needs of any other.
  3- All citizens of the Federation are to be guaranteed the rights of Life, Liberty, and Prosperity providing that their personal freedoms do not violate the safety of others and the nation, or infringe on the rights of others.
  4- The office of High Senator and the Senate are to be respected by member states and any lawful actions or decrees passed by them are to be accepted by the member states.


The goal of this document was to bind together the various independent colonies on Actium into a united nation, to determine how that nation was to be governed, and what form the new government would take and what laws it would be bound to.

Document Structure

Legal status

Active under all member states of the Actium Federation

Historical Details


With the horrors of world war 4 still fresh in their minds, and following the end of the war of the remnants, the leaders of the colonies of Actium were concerned that without something binding the various newly founded nations together, war would be the inevitable result. So dozens of respected leaders from various nations came together and began to work on what was originally an elaborate web of trade agreements, non aggression pacts, and alliances, but in the end would be the founding of a new nation. When it was made, these laws were carved into a bulkhead of the first Ark ship to land on the world, the ISV Actium.

Public Reaction

Though the majority of the public viewed the new nation with optimism, a large segment of the more nationalist groups grumbled at the thought of a one world government interfering with the actions of their own local government. Some nations on Actium still remained disassociated with the Federation until Strategos Lee's controversial Unifications Act.


This document is still considered one of the greatest works of diplomacy in all of human history. Never before had so much progress in human cooperation been made purely through the work of diplomates and statesmen. It is still studied today by even alien civilizations as a rare occurrence of reason among humans. The document is celebrated as it's birthing document and taught in schools all across the Actium Federation.

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