Abolar History of races Timeline
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History of races

The general history of the races roaming Abolar

High era

1995 3420

The era of the first big empire to exist and the rise to the elven race. It registers the lifetime of the great elven empire, the first that ruled over most of Abolar's territory

  • 3420 HE

    3490 HE


    The Downfall
    Era beginning/end

    The Downfall documents the ending of the elven empire and the begining of the orc domination. The falling of the empire, the orc threat and the expansion of orc related races.

Rising era

4140 5000

The rising of gnome race as a sophisticated and technological society, heavily dedicated to scientific advancement. Here, many scientific breakthrough were made and the gnome civilization rose as the first space faring civilization of Abolar. This advance lead to the degradation of the planet.

  • 5000 RE

    5005 RE


    The great departure
    Life, Relocation

    In the year 5000 of the world, it lies barren as the gnome advancement knew no boundaries. Abolar isn't a viable world anymore. So, and following a high pragmatic philosophy, the gnomes planned to leave the world completely, also leaving all the other races with the leftover planet, and change to a better, healthier land beyond the stars.