Othin Thriceborn Character in Abaddon | World Anvil
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Othin Thriceborn

Prince Longear of so and so Othin Thriceborn

Othin was a Half-Elf, turned 3/4-Elf, and then Wood Elf. His wishes are beyond his grasp. He has been given a mission of near impossible difficulty. But he wields weapons and magic like none other. He will do everything in his power to set things right and reshape the world.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slim and fit. He's able to nimbly dodge between blows while dealing swift strikes of his own.

Body Features

A few scars and impeccable posture.

Facial Features

Most often carries a curious expression and a gentle smile. At least when dealing with civilians and similar folk. Combat used to be a chore and a disappointing experience. As of late, that has changed into something that provokes a more excited and motivated expression.

Identifying Characteristics

Grey eyes with small, green flecks (stark yellow with the wings). Whenever he uses his magic there is a faint flash of intensity through the flecks. Typically summons magical energy to his weapon and extracts it from there.

Special abilities

He uses simple magic in combination with his weapon strikes and moves across the battlefield quickly.

Apparel & Accessories

A ruby is attached to his left gauntlet and his Sun Blade is hard to ignore once it's activated. He also wears heavy plate armor.

Specialized Equipment

In a fight, he does everything he can to make himself harder to hit and tries to give himself every chance to hit his enemies.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Othin Cloudtamer was born in the Maevian swamps to the east. When he was young, his village was burned down by marauders, forcing him and his family to flee. After some time traveling with his family, they all decided it was time to go their separate ways. Othin continued traveling west toward Charrinvale while his parents and sister each chose their own cardinal direction. After splitting off from his family, Othin began to pursue his goal of becoming a magician. He had little luck, considering he had no funds and never stayed in one place for very long. His only source of income was mercenary work and that only provided enough gold to allow him to keep traveling. And so he was stuck wielding a glaive instead of a wand. Soon after arriving in Charrinvale, the lessons he had picked up finally clicked and his magical abilities kicked in, allowing him to bond to and summon his weapons as well as the ability to cast simpler spells. This victory was short lived, however. Soon after this revelation, he was knocked unconscious by a banshees wail, which he recovered from quickly. She was defeated and all seemed well. The party then continued their journey to Althea, the capital of Charrinvale. They had time to spend a few days there before the city came under attack from mysterious golems made from molten flame. Othin was caught by these dark forces and held captive. One day, a torturer working for Ronon the necromancer, went too far and pushed Othin over the brink of death. But this was not to be his end, as he was brought back by some misty tendrils of unknown origin. After his revival, and successfully breaking out of captivity, Othin was able to escape the ruined city together with Red. They managed to make their way to Corinth and reunite with their other party members. Once there, Othin revealed a secret: he had somehow bonded with the banshee that they had banished before and now carried a fragment of her being with him. She seemed to enhance his magical abilities while sapping some of his strength and martial prowess. Some time later, the party left Corinth behind and began their journey toward Vern. On the way there, they faced off against a mage riding a wyvern which eventually lead them to a mysterious tower. Inside this tower was a collection of souls; ancient enemies of the Avatars that were to be kept out of the reincarnation cycle that Abbadon is part of. With the tower seemingly crumbling under the loss of its power source, some form of shadow wyvern, the souls agreed to accompany the party on their trek westward. Othin was given responsibility for one soul in particular: Pe-rah-Siamm. After having returned from the tower, the caravan that the party was protecting came under attack from giant, fire breathing monsters. Having suffered a further weakening of his bodily vigor, Othin was quickly dispatched by one of them. But once again, death would not grip him immediately. A burst of mist and psychic energy exploded away from Othin and once he was free from the grip of the beast, he began to lash out toward the party members around him. Grimm was the closest and was able to knock Othin out. This seemed to be the end as Othin lay motionless, breathless and pale. The party gathered around him and tried to resuscitate Othin, but to no avail. He was then wrapped in cloth and herbs meant to preserve the body and was put on a cart. And then Othins eyes opened, showing him an unfamiliar forest with a snow covered canopy. After standing up and getting his bearings, he managed to find a clearing with a constructed pavilion in the center. He approached and was surprised to find two people there. He knew them both, and yet had never met with either. The first turned out to be the banshee as she had been before her curse: Elathrin Vokona Spearsong. And the other was an ancient elf whose soul had bound itself to Othins body: Pe-rah-Siamm. Othin was offered a deal where he would return to life with a diminished lifespan and a different body than the one that had released his soul before. He was also asked to find a way to destroy the avatars. Othin was overwhelmed by the weight of the task set before him, but he accepted the deal nonetheless. Pe-rah-Siamm used all the energy that remained within his essence to bring Othin and Elathrin back to life, seemingly ceasing to exist. Then Othin woke up in a cart, wrapped in cloth and surrounded by his friends. There were also a few strangers to oversee his return to the land of the living. After a short explanation of the events that had passed, he was embraced and welcomed back to the party. A few months passed without anyone dying or returning from death. The journey finally concluded when they reached Emerald Port in Vern, but not before Grimm left the party along with Pharrel, Delilah and Brent. Before they arrived, a man named Styx took his place in the party. He introduced himself as Othins future burial supervisor. Much needed revelry was had in Emerald Port, as the party had arrived just in time for a great festival. The celebration was cut short, however, as the group had to find a captain for a sky ship that could take them to a location where their old associate, Tristan, was being held captive. They found and fought a demonic entity of some form that called itself Carathos. This creature managed to steal one of the "soul scales" that the party had acquired from the mystical tower and made good its escape before anyone had a chance to stop him. Once it was clear that the captain that they freed from Carathos' control would not be able to help them, they sought out a man named Sylas. He was willing to transport the party to their specified location in exchange for a story from each of them. The journey there was interrupted by a band of Blood Riders; a section of the Sky Knights that Cador Longwing described as little more than thugs for hire. This particular captain was looking for Sylas and wanted to bring him in. As the party was relying on him to get them to Tristans location they could not allow him to be captured, and thus battle ensued. Once the riders were dealt with, it was not long before the party managed to approach the chapel that Brokk had seen in his vision. While inside, they were approached by a group of duergar who had been sent to see who had approached the chapel. A short conversation was had under slightly tense conditions, but the duergar agreed to let the party leave and continue with their mission, hoping to be free from their current work agreement with Gald. The party managed to infiltrate the mines where their associate was being held, despite numerous guards and an encounter with an Oblex. Once there, they managed to free Tristan, though several members suffered injuries and were knocked out several times in the process. Othin and Styx were also separated from the party due to the errant use of a teleportation trap. However, they were soon met with a somewhat friendly face that helped them escape the mines with surprising ease. After traveling through the mountains for a few days, Othin and Styx made it down to flat ground once again. Having left the enemy's immediate area behind, this sense of safety did not last long though, as they were assailed by bandits almost immediately. And after that, the unlikely duo had to save their newfound allies and guides from two ogres that had destroyed a caravan close by. But after all that, they were finally approaching the city limits of Haham, where they had agreed to meet with the rest of their party.

Gender Identity



Heterosexual (so far).


He is quite proficient in reading, writing and simpler mathematics. He understands the function and use of spells that are currently outside his skill range.


Apprenticeships at various armorers and blacksmiths. Has often taken jobs as an enforcer or mercenary. Temporary help at taverns and inns.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Struck the final blow on an enlarged owlbear. Defeated a mage with help from other mercenaries.   A list of enemies defeated while traveling with Second Chances: Necromancer. Lizardfolk Warlord. Banshee. Vampire magician. Wizard and his wyvern mount. Anjanath. Sea Devils. Harpies. Sand Wyverns. Carathos. Blood Riders (minus one rogue). Gryphon. Bandit band (6 dead, 1 unconscious, 2 escaped). Numerous demons and undead. A shadow fiend. More demons.

Failures & Embarrassments

Was knocked unconscious by a banshee. Was caught by followers of Ronon the necromancer. Was killed by an Anjanath. Contributed practically nothing when the party was attacked in one party members hometown.

Mental Trauma

Watched his village burn to the ground as a child. Solution: forget the name of the village as well as his last name, severing all ties.   Looked into the eyes of his first love as she died in his arms. Solution: doesn't know how to deal with feelings of attraction or advances from people.   Was revived with his lifespan cut down to a year and given a near impossible task upon waking up. Solution: largely ignore the issue until a solution, or an opportunity to begin to search for a solution, presents itself.

Intellectual Characteristics

Remembers certain details very clearly and is capable of finding details that others might miss. Has an affinity for understanding magical effects and items.

Morality & Philosophy

Protect those who can't protect themselves.   Freedom belongs to the mind, body and soul.


Killing innocent people or people who cannot defend themselves.


Family Ties

Father - Halar Lightbringer   Mother - Sindra Swiftbow   Sister - Iruna Stormblade

Religious Views

Doesn't pray to gods. Believes that the soul deserves to pass into whatever afterlife that is has made itself worthy of; the hells and abysses for those who committed evil acts and heavenly domains for people who did good.

Social Aptitude

Almost none.


Keenly observing his surroundings, though not gleaning many details a lot of the time. Curious of the world around him and the people in it. Occasionally gets lost in thought or idle actions, such as spinning a dagger or blade hilt in his hand.

Hobbies & Pets

No pets. Spends much of his time practicing with his magic and weapons.


Fumbling. He often stumbles over words and ends up confusing people he talks to.

Wealth & Financial state

Only what he carries with him.

A younger Wood Elf (in mind if not body) seeking to bring peace to the people of the world. He has been thrust into a world of violence and martial prowess against his wishes. He does his best and succeeds on occasion.

Character Location
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Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
"Prince Longear of So and So"
Date of Birth
2972 A.R.
The Maevian swamps
Current Residence
Castle Winds Call
Grey with green flecks (stark yellow with the wings)
Light Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common Dwarvish Elvish Goblin