Abbadon Geographic Location in A Wondrous Universe | World Anvil
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"If hell was a place, it would be Abbadon" - Jackson "Jax" Benetti

Abbadon is a wasteland world, that is very rich in a lot of resources. It's control is shared by a variety of different pirate and outlaw groups, each with their own rules.


Abbadon's landscape constis mostly of brown hills. The only notable landmarks are the pirate's mining citys and some canyons and mountains.

Fauna & Flora

The planet is mostly a barren wasteland with only some small bushes and other plants to be found. The only other life consists of pirates and their slave workers.

Natural Resources

Abbadon is rich in many natural rescources like metals and rare earths which are mined in a gigantic network of tunnels and mines under the surface. Most mines are operated by slave workers, with fatal accidents being common.

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