Maelestriale Skyfire Character in A traveler's guide to AERLION | World Anvil
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Maelestriale Skyfire

Maelestriale Skyfire (a.k.a. Mae)

"I'm not blind! Technically..."

Background / in Portland...

Mae was born with a sickness that made her blind at a very young age. It is a sickness that runs in the Price family, and they had ways of dealing with it. But unfortunately, it was less than ideal. She was catered to and sheltered to the point she wasn't even allowed to leave the house. The only person who treated her like a normal human was her sister, Paige. They would sneak out of the house at whatever chance they could get, just so Mae could feel some sense of self.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mae is built skinny, but lean. She has some muscle definition.

Body Features

Patches of teal and violet scales are spread across her skin. Her ears are fin like. 2 Thin scars line each side of her throat. They open up as gills when submerged underwater.

Facial Features

plump lips and long eyelashes. Her eyes have a white haze over them due to being blind.

Identifying Characteristics

After graduating from her monastery, the monks gave her tattoos that cover her arms. The tattoos are like a right of passage for monks who are fully realized.

Special abilities

Originally, Mae's closeted personality and lack of sight hindered her performance. After finding her way to the Temple of the Griffin, receiving constant praise from Inara, and committing herself to become more self-sufficient. She managed to become a person worthy of monkhood.  

Non Caecus (Not Blind)

Upon waking on the Aqua Isle Mae found herself with an ability that she never had in her life before, the ability to see. As a newly established person of Aerlion, Mae possesses an affinity for Pressuraeris, a subset of the Storm-Affinity meaning air pressure. This grants her blindsight vision in a near-360° space around herself. She does this by feeling the air pressure around her. By focusing her Affinity she has been able to see across vast distances to find targets, control the wind currents, and even enhance her strength.  

Essence Control

Beyond her Affinity, Mae hasn't shown any prowess in arcane abilities.  

Physical Prowess

By age 19, Mae's arduous training at the monastery conditioned her into essentially a master of many martial arts, showing great proficiency in the art of Bojutsu. So much so, that the monks at her temple gathered their money to pay an armorer from the local town to make a custom staff for her upon graduation. She naturally has superb agility. Using her affinity and refined flexibility, she is able to able to avoid most danger and fight without looking.

Apparel & Accessories

Mae tends to wear yellow and orange monk attire. Sometimes the clothing doesn't completely match right because she can't tell what colors they are. For formal occasions or ceremonies she will wear traditional monk accessories, such as a necklace or earrings that represent her monastery.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In Aerlion

Once they entered the world of Aerlion, Mae gained her Affinity that allowed her to control air pressure. She can use the air pressure around her to sense her surroundings. With this newfound power, she became very cocky and full of herself, ultimately leading to a fallout between her and Paige. She eventually stumbled upon a Monk monastery that taught her how to control her powers. She changed drastically after taking on the lifestyle, she became completely self-sufficient, humble, and spiritual. After graduating as a full-fledged monk, she left her monastery to finally reconnect with Paige.




Mae was entirely home schooled. This was the only thing her parents seemed to do right.


She doesn't believe in the concept of money and therefore is unemployed.


Contacts & Relations


Mae knows little to nothing about her teammates since she didn't go to school with them. But she never particularly liked Atlas. He was known as the school bully, and has the tendency to call her sister a "seeing-eye dog."   In more recent events she has been able to relate with him a little better due to their love life struggles. She respects him and the hardships he has endured. However, their morals and ideals completely conflict with each other so they still don't get along very well.  


Mae had no idea who this kid was until they were in detention together. She thought his knack for science was pretty cool though.   She's content with him now and views him as an ally. There was a time where she questions his morality after he gave bombs to mercenaries and risked the Queen's life.   KENJI Kenji is known as the school creep. They were first introduced to each other when he was caught spying on her and her sister in the locker room.   Mae honestly feels bad for the kid since he gets made fun of a lot in their group. She is very curious about his swordsmanship skills.  


When Mae stumbled upon the monastery, malnourished, and on the brink of death, Inara found her and guided her in. She nursed her back to health and introduced her to the other monks. They trained her to control her power.   The two got close over the couple years they were training together. They were secretly in a relationship. Eventually, Mae's abilities surpassed hers and she ended up being the one who got to graduate.  


Initially, Mae thought she was a very nice person and was the first to treat her as such, besides her sister of course. She looked up to her a lot because of this.   She cherishes Miah a lot and enjoys spending time with her. Miah helps her think more clearly when she's frustrated. She has very conflicting feelings for her.  


Paige is the person Mae considers to be the most important to her in the world. She was the only one who had her back and listened to what she wanted or needed. Mae relies on her more than she should, to the point that it's unhealthy. Due to Mae's rash behavior, Paige ended up getting hurt from her powers. She then left Mae by herself.   After their fallout all Mae wanted was to find her and make amends. There's still tension between the two because the topic still hasn't been addressed, but Mae is trying to find the right time to do that. She now puts her sister's needs and wishes above her own.  


They hadn't met until after coming to Aerlion. Apparently, Tree has been there a year longer than their group and was excited to have found them.   Mae respects Tree highly and considers him a very good friend. He watches out for her and takes her feelings into consideration whenever there is a disagreement.

Family Ties

Adopted by the Skyfire family, and younger sister to Paige.

Wealth & Financial state

The Skyfire family is a noble family that's known to be rich. Due to her disbelief in money, she will willingly spend it in large amounts for people who need it other than herself.

Siren monk who uses air pressure to see. Yes, I can see!!!

View Character Profile
Lawful good
Blue with a white haze over them
Black with purple highlights
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5ft 4in
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I'm not blind"

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