Finn Rodier Character in A traveler's guide to AERLION | World Anvil
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Finn Rodier

Headmaster Finnegain Rodier (a.k.a. Finn)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is a buff fisherman. Physically fit for his age.

Body Features

Tends to be hunched down and not standing at full height

Facial Features

His left eye is milky with a scar running down that side of his face

Apparel & Accessories

Formal silvery-blue Naval wear.

Specialized Equipment

  • The Gauntlet: A bronze gauntlet that increases his strength tenfold.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He first met the party on the south docks of the Pirate's Jewel near the sewage port told to wait for help by Jonny a month prior. He was dressed in tattered clothing and chains. Introducing himself as Headmaster of the Academy of Heroes/President of Meirstone, he requested the help of the party to destabilize the Pirate King's rule over the Jewel.  He along with the ex-Knight Calmeron and Kenji were tasked with setting the slaves loose from the lower decks while the rest of the party faced the king and his followers.   After leaving the Jewel, they headed to an old friend of his, the apothecary/forest witch, Mistress Gonni Sloane. He payed the adventurer Evelyn to assist the party in obtaining some essence waters from the mountain springs. While they were gone Jonny's Homunculi showed up and put Finn and Sloane into a sleeping curse and replaced them with Homunculi of their own. When the party came back to Sloane's Cottage they found themselves in a time loop where they learned of Finn's anger towards a young man Kser that Sloane kept in her basement during the party's stay. Upon escaping the time loop and defeating the homunculi, the real Finn took the now dead clones and headed of to the Academy for research.

Gender Identity





He graduated from the Academy of Heroes 1387 A.E. Knowledge & Practical Degrees of Engineering and Operations; Academy of Heroes, Opifex Route


Headmaster at the Academy of Heroes (Current) President of Meirstone (Current) Leader of the Eternal Guided Guild (Former circa 1385-1386 A.E.)


His family of Pirates, Kress, Chaotic Desolation in general.


Family Ties

Jane Rodier

Wife of 4 years.

Religious Views


A rugged but handsome man in his late thirties. The headmaster at the Academy of Heroes.

View Character Profile
Dark Blue, squinty
Shoulder Length Silver hair that is in a man bun
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Tan
Known Languages
Character Prototype
Mix Young Joseph Joestar's Body with the Face and age of Old Joestar and a pirate's features

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