Atlas MacLellan Character in A traveler's guide to AERLION | World Anvil
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Atlas MacLellan

Atlas MacLellan

Pre-Aerlion Life Atlas was a menace to his fellow classmates in Portland, a relentless bully who made verbal jabs at any and everyone who he came across. He took on the mountainous task of the school drug-dealer, and spent most of his days either pedaling skunk weed, or taking pleasure in making himself feel larger than his classmates. Behind the rather douchey exterior he was quite a lonely child, living in the shadow of his parents fame and fortune, preferring to be known as the drug dealer than the rich kid. Treated at home as a disappointment, or completely ignored due to the fact that he refused to listen to what his parents desired of him, he landed in a middle ground as somebody who had access to all of the spoils of life, yet refused to take part in any of it. With few friends and a rocky home life, he made himself public enemy number one of practically all he associated with, and reveled in the position that he chose, glad in fact that it was a choice that he made, and not one that was made for him.     Since Arrival   In the five years that Atlas has remained in Aerlion, he's had a rollercoaster of a life. After making the poor choice of swindling the wrong people in a game of dice, he was beaten half to death and brought into slavery. Forced onto the lowest decks of The Pirates Jewel, he quickly began climbing up the ranks of slaves so as to not spend his entire life covered in fecal matter. His hard work was, surprisingly enough, rewarded by the pirates who lived among those on the Jewel, and brought up to the Black Market to participate in the gladiatorial style bouts that took place there. He spent his days building his body there, bringing it to the point of current day so as to not die in the pits. He was widely appreciated in the fights due to his tendency towards brutal and bloody tactics, always entertaining and commonly brutalizing his opponents. While there he met his first love, Asena Bandrith. Through their time together in the pits, they found solace in one another for a bit over a year before one day she simply vanished from them, leaving him alone once more. As time passed and his name became more well known, the good natured Captain Weylan brought him aboard, buying him out of slavery and bringing him along to become part of The Howling Savages. Just as he did as a slave, the crew became impressed by his unrelenting work ethic and mesmerizing prowess in battle. Atlas and Weylan swiftly became a terror to the other pirates aboard the Jewel due to their natural chemistry and charisma that the two of them brought to the table, recruiting scores of pirates to their cause and way of life with breakneck pace. They spend their days plundering as they please, leaving most crews alive to tell their tale and bring an end to killing that they deemed unnecessary, a way beaten into Atlas by Weylan himself. This way of life, along with the nature of the boy brought along a new love of freedom, and an iron will to never have it taken from him again.     Physical Description   Atlas stands at a gargantuan six foot four inches tall, higher than most humans that he comes in regular contact with. His skin is tanned and leathery from long days in the sun and salt of the open sea. Brown hair is kept at a medium length and remains swept back so as to not cover his eyes, sometimes drawn back in a ponytail or bun of sorts. While he generally decides to remain clean shaven, he can commonly be seen with a small bit of stubble on his face brought about laziness or a desire to not pay attention to it for a few days. He's built massive with muscle, and most of his body is covered with long and jagged scars, though his back is almost entirely a mass of crisscrossing scar tissue. His face holds but one scar across the bridge of his nose where it was massively broken in a fight several years back, though it does suit him well and lends to a bit of a swashbuckling air. Atlas can generally be seen wearing rather plain clothes, brown trousers and a long sleeved white shirt are inside of his repertoire, though he has been seen to join formal outings in soothing greens, deep blues, and gold, as though he's paying homage to his ocean life.     (Current Work In Progress)

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