Charsel Madson Character in A Quark in the Timeline | World Anvil
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Charsel Madson

Bright Flame

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Wooden symbol of OMEGA hangs around his neck

Tenets of Faith

1. Aid⁠ others, protect the weak, and punish those who threaten them. Show mercy to your foes, but temper it with Wisdom.   2. Be responsible for your actions and their consequences, protect those entrusted to your care, and obey those who have just authority over you.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slender yet strong. It's obvious from a glance that he has a daily physical exercise routine.

Facial Features

A long brown beard covers most of his face. Wise, twinkly eyes peep out from under bushy eyebrows. His hair is long and unkempt at times. He has crows feet around his eyes when he smiles or laughs.

Special abilities

Coming from a family of skilled bards, Charsel has played for King's and Queens and is a known favorite of Dovana Silverstone, Dwarf Queen's court and is considered a personal friend.

Apparel & Accessories

Typically clothed in simple spun brown cloth robes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The culmination of generations of familial knowledge, the Madson's were present at the destruction of the world tree. Believing that OMEGA was justified in destroying the world tree as the Gods were squandering its power and leading the world to ruin.   Charsel's bloodline spans back to the beginning.


Engages with His harem of both men and women, Charsel believes that we are all one from the world tree and thus loves all sentient beings equally.


Educated from birth in the ways of the The Eternal Flame he has been groomed for leadership since conception.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Promoted to Bright Flame of the The Eternal Flame at the age of 14 Charsel has led the church with skill and charisma leading to it experiencing the largest period of growth since it was founded in 1250.

Intellectual Characteristics

Known for his quick wit and silver tongue. Frequently has large crowds at his sermons. His partons say that they feel enchanted by his presence and words and that he has had a lasting positive impact on them.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Spends time every morning and night in Temple of OMEGA's library. Has a vast knowledge of the arcane.

Likes & Dislikes

Fighting. Thinks that all the world's problems could be solved with civil discussion.

Personality Quirks

Always smiling.
Divine Classification
Current Status
Speading the good word at the Temple of OMEGA
Current Location
Current Residence
Temple of OMEGA
Brown stary eyes
Bushy Brown
5' 6"
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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