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A Legend of Magic

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In the primordial chaos of the universe, thought and will forged sentience for themselves. Those beings are the Deus.
Eons ago a Deus arose who embodied the idea of magic, Sa'et. She roamed the universe for ages, storing away her secrets on world after world. Eventually she did battle with other gods. Injured, she fled to one of her safe havens where she slept and hoped to recover her strength.
The world of Kantelos. It is a world of of beasts. It is a world of heroes. It is a world of secrets. It is a world of magic.
It has been half a million years since a dying god made its home in the heart of the world. Empires are rising and falling, old feuds are resurfacing, primordial powers stir, and at the center of it all is the Battle-Mage, Kronis.
Kronis the Battle-Mage, Kaltan the 11th Judge, Sera the Ideal of Strength, and her protege, Tobias the priest set out on a quest that will take them across the width and breadth of Kantelos. It is an adventure that forever changes the political landscape of the world and elevates the companions into the ranks of legends.
Halfway across the world, the sage Aria Rosham has been pulled back into the material world alongside the titanic Elemental Deus she long ago sealed away. Her once great magic has faded and the mythic heroes who helped her have long since died. Nevertheless, she strives to return Jormungdar to its peaceful state. 
On the distant shores of Gateway, the lights of the ancient city of Korier flash once again, and the four gates open. The planes of Erbu, Achras, Gast, and Caleli'dun are once again open, but so too are the doors that never have, the doors of Korier itself. And from the city that allows none to enter or leave comes the gaunt and desiccated form of a being known only as Wretched Watcher.

   *Note: There are some adult elements tackled in this world. Most are only alluded to, but some are more overt. It is my belief that even terrible and horrendous actions have stories, and these stories must be told.

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