Enchanter Profession in A Guide to Aslandia | World Anvil
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The Enchanter is a profession that consists of embuing items with magical properties. They carve old runic symbols onto the item. This allows for magic to stick and hold. Depending on the craftsmanship of both the item the runic symbols and the power of the magic behind the spell all contribute to the power and duribility of the enchantments.



You need to have been in previous work with use of high level magic and have special permission from both the king or queen and the Cloaks.

Career Progression

You must start of with basic magical jobs before entering a high level magic job. Once you have served there for at least 3 years you can then become an Enchanter who sells his skills.

Payment & Reimbursement

Enchanters are payed highly and often sell their service and products at a high cost. Hence why it is rare for a peasant family to have at least two enchanted items.

Other Benefits

You are payed well and you get to directly serve before the king's or Queens of Aslandia which is seen as a great honour.



To give, otherwise normal, objects and items special abilities or to exentuate their current abilities.

Social Status

They are thought very highly amongst most if not all sorcerer's.


There are a few in Aslandia being about 40. There is around 30-40 in Falidheim and 20-30 in The Nileubana Provence. However, there are over 100 in Aterpea.
Alternative Names
There are a few in Aslandia, Falidheim and Nileubana. However there are hundreds in Aterpea.

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