Collor Pondrat Plug 2 Behemoth Pod Racer Vehicle in A Galaxy far, far away | World Anvil
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Collor Pondrat Plug 2 Behemoth Pod Racer

Owned and operated by Lucky Racing   Base Stats
Silhouette: 3* *Modified to 2 - see applied upgrade*
Speed: 5
Handling: 0* *Modified to 1 - see applied upgrade*
System Threshold: 5 
HP: 3
Price: 13,900
Rarity: 8   Applied Upgrades
Collision Avoidance System
- Base Modifier: Reduce silhouette by 1 for determining difficulty of piloting checks.
Handling Upgrade
- Base Modifier: Handling +1 [Tier 1/3]
Ejection System
- Base Modifier: May make average (2 difficulty) piloting (planetary) check to leave the vehicle unharmed. If the check fails, the pilot suffers 1 critical injury + strain equal to the vehicle's speed at time of impact. Every 2 disadvantages may cause strain to be dealt as wounds instead.   Characteristics The Plug-2 Behemoth, one of the largest known Podracers, had nonetheless excellent turning as well as impressive speed, acceleration and handling, thanks to its massive intake turbines, which made it one of the best engines in terms of performance. It also possessed a good boost package, air brakes and repair system. For all these advantages though, the Behemoth tends to cooldown very slowly and suffered from overheating issues.
Owning Organization

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