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A Distant World

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Roughly a hundred and fifty years after what is now referred to as the Dark Culling, humanity has regressed to a simpler time. The inability to use anything that generates a strong electromagnetic field has led humanity to reinvent the conveniences, and devices of the old world. Those foolhardy enough to play around with 'old tech' risk death and destruction via entities known as the Darklings.   The old superpowers have broken up into smaller feudal states. Lords and Ladies rule over commoners, and use them as pawns in their political games. Merchants, traders, and scavengers roam far and wide trading in artifacts of the old world, or bartering the essentials of life in the new one.   The old world has started to fade into myths and legends. Stories of calculating machines, global communications, and automated factories that the average person can barely conceive of. There are some, a few, who are willing to risk the Darklings to try and recreate 'old tech' with clockwork and steam. Others have spoken of have spoken of mad men who use 'old' tech' as a weapon of either war or terror.   There are some though who embrace the new way and view the Darklings as keeping humanity in its place lest hubris take us again. The Shadowrose Society asconds all 'old tech' and persecutes any who would tinker with it. There are even some factions that think that the steam and clockwork people have come to rely on is too advanced. Unless they take action humanity risks another Dark Culling.

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