Pikeharbor Settlement in A Brave New World | World Anvil
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We have finally been to Pikeharbor and it is a much larger city than any of the places we have been to in the new world. There are many shops there including the Lore Master's Magic run by Dor Barnes. We also discovered that there is a Mage's Council that any spellcaster is welcome to try to join. We met Tella, one of the guards, who told us that we should talk with Bodwin Beam the head of the guards to see if there was anything going on around town. Bodwin told us about the Job Board that we could go to if we were looking for work. He also let us know that there were some knights down by the docks that had shipwrecked here.   We went to the docks and realized that they were some of the people that were supposed to be coming to Valencia. We were able to bring them back to Valencia.


Lore Master's Magic


port town
Large town
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