
Sepia remains unexplored by the majority of species in the galactic community. It serves as the final bastion for humanity, a blue giant burning somewhere between 20,000 and 50,000 degrees Celsius. Blue giants are among the rarest of stars, among the most massive stars in the galaxy.   They are short-lived compared to other stars. Most will go supernova in less than ten million years, sometimes less than five. They are also thought to be the progenitors of most black holes.   When we discovered the star and settled in the system, we used the name to refer to the star cluster around it as well. These stars are relatively close by, each with its own secrets to reveal. Our celestial neighborhood features anomalies in these systems, and several that linger in the space between them.


Anomalies of Note

  • A-1: Anomaly 1, or The Rainbow Bridge, is an impenetrable space along the Eagle Nebula. Attempting to move through it will destroy the vessel, as scolding hot matter swirls across the 300,000 km area. Many believe this is one of many stages leading to the birth of a star. It's one of the closest things to a space storm one can get.
  • A-4: Anomaly four, lovingly referred to as Alfred by the warfarers, is an alien drone of unknown origin. It's nearly three hundred meters across and fifty meters wide, floating around the solar system of Sepia 54. Alfred seems to be a malfunctioning repair ship, one that will seek to repair and refuel any vessel that comes within range. It even retrofits the ship to accept what fuel it has stored in its hull if the technology is incompatible.
  • A-6: Anomaly 6, or The Devil's Reef, consists of derelict ships, the number far too numerous to even estimate. No one knows what happened to them. There is no evidence of fighting, many of the ships are still intact and capable of flight, and more ships appear as time goes by. The new vessels are completely empty and there is no indication as to why the vessel was abandoned. Most of the time, escape pods are still on board.

The Area

The eagle nebula sits in close proximity to Sepia. It obstructs the night sky on most of the planets in the system. This can be said for many systems in the Sepia star cluster. With over 300 stars, all within one lightyear of another,   The Eagle Nebula acts like a curtain, a barrier between us and the rest of the galactic community, it's the main reason we've been gone unnoticed for so long.   Most systems in the cluster remain uninhabited. Wayfarers venturing out for the first time continue exploring the region to gain valuable expirience before going any further. Wayfarers also make routine trips to Anomaly 6, the stellar graveyard that sits 2 lightyears away from Safeharbor.    
  • A-15: Officially named “The Theta Ring,” A-15 is a hyperlane ring aimed at the center of the galaxy. A Hyperlane requires two interconnected structures to function, and The Theta Ring functions just fine. It’s twin, however, shouldn't exist if it is indeed at the center of the galaxy. The supermassive black hole should have destroyed it. I believe it is a means of eliminating waste. Debris, trash, obsolete ships unable to be refitted, and more could be tossed into the center of the galaxy and forgotten. It does beg the question of how Theta’s twin ring was built in such a place. Without more advanced Higgs-tech to protect our ships, we can only speculate it’s true purpose.
  • A-23: Anomaly 23, often called "The Black Spire," appears to be a monolith built in space, carved from glossy black stone. It features ornate carvings, intricate fractals that cover it’s entire surface. It orbits Sepia-149, and its origin as well as its purpose eludes us, like so many other thing we find in the void. It could have religious significance to the ones who built it, as it’s awfully difficult to sculpt such a work of art in a vacuum. It could also be a landmark to assist in navigation. The black stone will reflect almost anything that interacts with it. Light, waves, fields, and even beam weaponry will be reflected back to its origin. I could also see it as a monument. It could be a memorial of sorts, or maybe a warning. Nothing else exists in the system of Sepia-149 except for an asteroid belt, dense enough to indicate the destruction of a planet in the system.

The Sepia Solar System


Sepia-1 "Freya"

Freya is the closest planet to the system's star. The planet has no spin, the side facing the star consisting of molten rock in constant flow. The opposite side is frigid and far too cold to support life.

There is a thin atmosphere comprised of chlorine, methane and hydrogen, but no signs of carbon or oxygen exist. On the colder side of the planet, many of these gases freeze and rain down to cover the surface.

The planet has many valuable resources, particularly metals, such as platinum. Large craters have been found on the planet's surface. It is believed that whoever built the planet wide city on Safeharbor likely used materials found on this planet to do it.

Sepia-2 "D'artagnan"

This planet is hot, with a thick atmosphere of ammonia created in high pressure storms. Its proximity to the star makes it too hot for life to live there, as is. While it could be a candidate for terraforming, it wouldn't be the greatest idea. There are traces of water on the planet, but also traces of carbon monoxide. This means there is a chance life once lived on the planet, or that somehow life still does.

Athos, Porthos, Aramis

There are three dead moons circling D'artagnan, named after the three musketeers from Earth's classic literature. These three moons have no atmosphere, and are scorching hot due to their proximity to Sepia.
Numerous facilities have been found on these moons, from defense arrays to research stations, but all were created by the same species as the planet-wide city on Safeharbor.

Sepia-3 "Safeharbor"

Safeharbor was an Ecumenopolis, a planet wide city. It lies far enough from the star to be habitable, though mechanisms on the planet are said to be responsible for its weather and habitability.
47% of the planet's surface is liquid water, though much of the landmass is just part of the city built over the water.
The planet is the last bastion of humanity, and acts as their capital, despite most of the planet being unexplored. Humans occupy numerous stations and outposts in the system, and all are there to expand their influence from this planet.


Unity is the name for the moon hovering above Safeharbor. The moon is one massive defensive structure, a Warmoon. While most of this structure is not functional, there are numerous areas that are still of use.
During The Battle of The Pillars and The First War. Unity was vital in protecting Safeharbor from enemy fleets. Scientists were able to activate numerous defensive installations across the war-moon, firing ancient missiles and laser batteries at an unsuspecting foe. New sections are being restored routinely but it will take decades to restore the moon to its former glory.


Sepia-4 "Aristotle"

Aristotle I's a planet with a dense atmosphere of nitrogen and hydrogen, and even oxygen. With a few tweaks, it would have made a tropical paradise after terraforming. The planet hides a silent terror, however. Aristotle is the first catastrophic terraforming event humans encountered.

During an attempt to terraform it for human life, drones uncovered a microbiome in caves everywhere on the planet. Humans could live there, but the potential hazards that come from the microorganisms awakened by terraforming are too great to colonize.

Cover image: by pikist


Author's Notes

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Dec 7, 2020 03:46 by Jacob Billings

Ooh. Yay. A new article, and one I have a couple of critiques for again.   Firstly, there are several strange things within your opening paragraph. "It’s mostly unexplored, especially among most species in the galactic community." The phrasing here is odd, especially the "among" part as that dramatically shifts the meaning of the phrase. You are likely looking for something more like "Sephia remains unexplored by the majority of species, however, it serves as the final bastion for humanity." This also fixes the slightly strange syntax of the following sentence. As well, I would actually suggest altering the first and last line to be the opening, resembling something more like "Sephia is the blue star, burning at roughly fifteen thousand degrees kelvin, that gives its name to one of the solar systems of the Milkyway Galaxy." This is less contradictory, suggesting Sephia is both the solar system and the star, instead of creating the idea that it is both within the reader's mind.   Another phrasing thing comes up with anomaly 6 as you don't actually state that it, in of itself, is the anomaly. You simply, later, state that the ships comprise the anomaly. It's not the end of the world, but it took me a second to understand the phrasing as you meant it.   Uhh. So, your side bar is kind of weird because it looks cool but then you specified the type of geographical location it is which, unless is crucial to organization trees. Its placement detracts from the design due to it being placed at the bottom of the sidebar. It's small, but I would suggest removing that as you make it obvious in the opening of the article.   I've not read the text next to them, but I've been scrolling past the images and I love them. I'm aware they're technically not yours, however, they are super cool.   Alright, onto the actual planets:   Does Aristotle have any moons? You mention the moons for two of the planets and, presumably, Freya doesn't have any. However, I would assume Aristotle does. Adding a mention of the moons could also help to expand the article.   There's also one other thing that I think could help some of your legibility: the line breaks. At the moment, I believe you're using a break and a [br] to make it work. doing double breaks instead would be a better method as the large spacing between paragraphs gives a more intentional look.   That's about it. There's not anything specific about this that really seems out of place as far as worldbuilding goes. Other than the species that built Safehabor and stations on the moons, but that's left untouched intentionally. Maybe a bit about how humanity discovered this place, but that could already be explored and I just either completely missed it or forgot it.

Dec 7, 2020 04:37 by R. Dylon Elder

OOOO all good points. I've made some adjustments already. Ill add a little bit soon to expand on it to fill in some the gaps. This was an article made in haste so I could have information for another XD however, these are valid points and i shall fix!   thank you sir.

Dec 7, 2020 16:30

So, thinking about Devil's reef, it seems like something killed off each ship's crew before they had time to react, judging by the lack of jettisoned escape pods. A Plague may also be possible, but I assume any infected ship would transmit a quarantine signal and solve the mystery of Devil's reef for everyone else. And, unless the disease is QUITE thorough, I think there would at least be bodies left behind. So in my mind, there are two possibilities that DON'T involve some sort of conspiracy. First, an incineration/teleportation engine is parked somewhere nearby, programmed to occasionally target all life forms in an area. It is quite possible that the crew members of these dead ships are still alive somewhere, incapable or unwilling to return to their own systems. Second, it could be the work of some insidious organism or nanite strain that infiltrates the ship and consumes it's crew before an alarm can sound, but this seems less likely due to the risk of being discovered. Perhaps the first thing it does is cancel outgoing communications and block the escape pods...   With all these anomalies, Humanity has as close to a wall around their system as they're gonna get. Excellent choice as far as defensibility goes.   Now I need to go on a Hazmat-suit mission to D'artagnan (really hard to get the spelling right there, btw) in order to prove/disprove the existence of life there. WE MUST KNOW!   I wonder if the archivist is old friends with alfred. They're probably not on the same level of intelligence but still...   I was also wondering why the first planet is called 'freya'. She is a goddess of war, which would make it a direct comparison to mercury, but she's also a goddess of fertility, gold, and love. Oh, I just realized that her duality makes it a perfect comparison to the planet itself... was that the intention?

Dec 7, 2020 19:41 by R. Dylon Elder

That was the intention of freya. I failed to mention that was once considered for terraforming on the cold side, hence fertility XD . The sepia cluster is a wonderful place for some rpg campaigns. I'm excited for that aspect. For sure it is almost a wall. The devils reefnis a new concept that I havnt fully thought out yet. I like those ideas tho. Definitely plausible. Maybe they're all true, or something makes it seem that way.

Dec 7, 2020 18:04 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love D'Artagnan and its moons. Great reference. :D   I'm really interested in a bunch of different things going on here. The Devil's Reef sounds very mysterious - I wonder what is happening to the crews of those ships.   I'm really intrigued by the other planets other than Safeharbour too. So much to explore! :D I assume there are other solar systems that humans have explored a little too?

Dec 7, 2020 19:43 by R. Dylon Elder

Oh yes. Humans get around. we're isolated but surprisingly mobile. The sepia cluster is a a very intriguing place. Thanks so much!

Dec 9, 2020 02:17 by Grace Gittel Lewis

A nice setup for many stories to come I'm sure...and the anomalies add some nice extra flavor!

Dec 9, 2020 02:47 by R. Dylon Elder

Absolutely! Thanks so kuch!

Apr 20, 2021 21:21 by Time Bender

Ooh how did I miss this article the first time around? It's very interesting and informative! I find the information about the setting of The Void Between fascinating.

Apr 23, 2021 01:34 by R. Dylon Elder

I think this was pretty early in the worlds development. Either way, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I wanted to give some more details about the human system and some of the things the wayfarers look for.

Apr 22, 2021 00:26

hmm... I wanna send a pre-programmed drone through the Theta Ring; see if it comes back. If so, it may be safe enough to mount an expedition...

Apr 23, 2021 01:32 by R. Dylon Elder

Ah. Prolly should have noted that this has been attempted with no results, though it was done with a probe. Interestingly enough, the probe should have sent out its video feed. Using warp technology, ships were sent to try and get close and intercept that transmission... no transmission was sent in the first place.

Apr 22, 2021 04:14 by Luca Poddighe

Nice article! I feel tickled by curiosity to know more about Aristotle biomes, because "Life... Mmm... Finds a way!!!"

Apr 23, 2021 01:26 by R. Dylon Elder

Indeed it does! Life is actually thriving since humans attempted terraforming. I'll be covering this once I delve into articles on the planets, but one of the major reasons no one is "fixing" it is because of that fact. To do anything to the planet may lead to mass extinctions for these underground biomes. The surface is lifeless, but does have some flora here and there planted by humanity.

Apr 23, 2021 09:00 by Luca Poddighe

That gives you a lot of ground for all sorts of bizarre interaction and interbreeding between the imported species and autochtonous ones! Cool!

Apr 23, 2021 18:45 by R. Dylon Elder

I hadn't thought about that but yessss. That's a good point. I could it see happening mainly with flora.

Apr 13, 2022 02:43 by Lilliana Casper

Oh my. Let me see if I can get all my thoughts on this article out here.   First of all, I love the detail put into the area and the links to your research. That's admirable. The way you wrote about the different landmarks makes it seem so real. Amazing.   Next, the anomalies. Those are so cool. A-4 seems interesting. I wonder what happened with it. But it is cool that "Alfred" repairs and upgrades any ships it comes upon. The Devil's Reef sounds very mysterious. I wonder what happened to all the ships. I would enjoy learning more about the Theta Ring and what humanity's theories for it are. A-23 and the system around it is definitely the most mysterious, but I think that there must have been some sort of catastrophe and the spire was created as a memorial of the event.   The planets of Sepia are mentioned so perfectly. Some of the phrasing is difficult to understand, but it makes sense overall. Freya's surface of both heat and cold is unique and the fact that D'Artagnan was probably populated by the same people who lived on Safeharbor is even better. Unity sounds very impressive. And Aristotle is a chilling reminder of the dangers of terraforming.   I love this article. It's so well done and so inspiring. Thank you so much for writing it.

Lilliana Casper   I don't comment much, but I love reading your articles! Please check out my worlds, Jerde and Tread of Darkness.
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