Lagomous Geographic Location in The Garden that Burned | World Anvil


Created when the god of darkness Absolum first set foot on Eden during the Tari Wars, the entire expanse of land that Absolum and Felvar fought as titans in was stained eternally with darkness. Lagomous exists currently as over 340 acres of magically suspended darkness which is located on the northern edge of The Devils Mouth.


Understanding the Darkness

Known and feared worldwide as an international threat, many kingdoms consistently sent expeditions into the everlasting darkness only to stop when they realized no matter the skill of the navigators sent in too few returned, and even less returned with their sanity intact. In modern day Eden a few kingdoms still fund the exploration of Lagomous, however, they now outsource their expeditions to cheaper, more expendable adventurers instead of consigning officers and countrymen.
It has been said that the longer a creature spends inside the dark of Lagomous, the more the light within them will be snuffed out. This rumor is largely due to the maddened state that travelers who enter the dark mist leave in.
Alternative Name(s)
The Dark Mist, The Delusional Dark
Location under
Owning Organization

Cover image: by darksouls1 - Enrique Meseguer


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