Furystrom Geographic Location in The Garden that Burned | World Anvil


Brief Overview

Once known as the kingdom of Brealock, Furystrom is now one of Eden's largest natural hazards. A vast desert plagued by deep black clouds that spew flames from the heavens. The flames are then whipped by heavy winds, creating massive flaming tornadoes.

Generl Overview

The firestorms of Furystrom are considered a natural phenomenon of sorts and have many different rumors circling their existence.
For example, The Geodians believe that the fire storms are the result of the Templar's attack on the Forsaken children in Frey's Oasis during the War of Gods. They believe it happened on the 12th of Syre, 3000 BN, and the sky was actually raining Lucifer's wrath on the cursed desert.  
The Valkorri believe that the storms occur when Pyrite, the god of flames, is angry with the people of Eden. They will bring offerings of flammable materials for the angry god to burn in hopes that it will calm his fury.
The Aqueans believe that the Son is leaking its fire into Eden's atmosphere somehow, and fear the desert and its dryness. 
There are many other speculated causes of the storms, however, no one knows for sure why they occur.
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Inhabiting Species

Cover image: by StudioDigitalAi


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