Run Run Run
Oh...I played that when I was young. I didn't know the origin...Run run run is a singing game played originally by the kids on the Monochrome section of The Station, but it has spread and is now played by all children on The Station. Children also play it on planets with trade and other agreements with The Station. Many of the children living in Monochrome have relatives who work as Extractors, and thus they are the ones the most aware of what is going on at the planet of Areu. Many of the people working as Extractors today were people who played this game while young.
I dig the game aspect of this article, it really does feel like a game children would play. Kind of creepy that this game is based on an actual dangerous situation that workers face regularly. It kind of reminds me of a playground game from when I was a kid but I can't recall what it was called. But it used a similar chalk-based square made of four smaller squares and you could only move to open corners while someone "chased" you. Or something like that, my childhood was a long time ago now lol.
Yeah, I didn't know what I wanted to write about in the beginning but then I decided that I wanted to be somehow related to the workers on Areu and the event prompt. So I just threw this together. :) My childhood was a long time ago as well. XD;; The only childhood game I remember was cops and robbers. XD;;
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