
This species took up residency in this station many years ago...
— Historian
  Many years ago, the dragons were chased out of their original planet. With their deity-like magical powers, they opened up a rift in time and space and fled across the multiverses. Different groups of dragons settled on many planets in many other universes, and all evolved differently.  


Around 1575 dragons settled on Reki, The Station, in 473 AR, over 2500 years ago.   The original dragons had a life span of millions of years, but after settling on Reki, they lost some of their magical abilities and their lifespan. They were not aware of this, though.   Few of the original dragons are still alive, but those who are now live with many age-related conditions that they would not have had at their current age if they had not settled on Reki.
Home Planet
Unknown, currently Reki
Average Height
Average Lifespan
167 years for the current generations


While the original dragons had the ability to shape-shift into any life form, the Reki dragons of today can only change their form between a bipedal humanoid shape and a small quadrupedal shape with scales, wings, and horns.   In both forms, they can change their genitalia to whatever they want to have. In the dragon forms, they do not have any secondary gender characteristics. In their bipedal form, most dragons prefer an androgynous look, though there are some dragons who like either the secondary gender characteristics of a humanoid female or a humanoid male, or they like to switch between them.   In humanoid form, they have long hair, short horns, pale eyes, almost white eyes, and medium-long pointed ears. They might try to change these defining characteristics, and dragons who are very good at shape-shifting might be able to remove their horns and pointy ears. However, they can't change the color of their eyes, and their hair grows long pretty quickly, even if it's cut normally.   In their dragon form, they have scales and sometimes feathers, longer horns, pale eyes, four legs, and long wings. They are also much smaller than they used to be when they settled on the Station.  

Reproduction & Genetics

Dragons are one of very few species that can reproduce with other species. They can change the shape of their two forms, which allows them to mate with another species and produce a halfling child.   Dragons who mate with each other in their bipedal form also produce halfling children, who usually have only one form and fewer magical capabilities. Like with other species these children are reproduced the mammal way with intercourse. It is frowned upon in Reki, but it still happens a lot.   When a dragon mates with another dragon in their dragon form, they will lay around 1-9 eggs. These children are true dragons and have two forms and better magical capabilities.   The eggs will usually hatch around a year after they have been laid.
The scales of the dragons are different colors. Like with their pale eyes they can not change the colors of their scales in their dragon form. Their bipedal form can have different colored hair or skin but their scaled form and pale eyes do not lie.   The rarest colors are gold, silver, holographic, and multi-chromatic. These rare colors have usually only been seen on the original dragons. There have been younger dragons born with them though, and these dragons become as old as the original dragons. Which many find very odd.   The most common colors are white, black, green, and brown. A blue and a red dragon couple can get blue, red, purple, and violet children. A purple and orange dragon couple can only get brown, black, and white children.

Growth Stages

After the eggs are fertilized inside a dragon in the dragon form, it takes around 26 days before the eggs are laid. The dragons will have to keep the eggs safe and warm for around 13 months until the eggs are hatched.   A new hatchling is sexless and very fragile, its scales are still very soft. They won't be able to do any magic or change their forms yet. They recognize certain smells, will react to stimuli, and wobble around.   At around 4 - 6 months old the hatchlings start to be called whelps and they are developing quickly. Their scales have become harder and they are moving their wings around. They can walk a lot better. A 12-month-old whelp will babble and pick up objects.   Around 1 to 4 years old, the dragons should be able to fly short bits and speak brief sentences as well as follow simple instructions.   A whelp becomes a fledgling at the age of 7 years old. Between the ages of 4 to 8 years old, the fledgling should be able to fly, change their form, do a couple of spells, and talk.   When a whelp turns 20 they are considered an adult dragon.  


The dragons used to be the main species living on Reki and thus their view and culture around gender is the prominent one. The dragons are born sexless and as such gender is not important. Everyone is referred to as "they/them" if they have not specified the pronouns that they want to be referred to by. When it comes to reproduction, the dragons settle among themselves who should carry the eggs and which dragons should fertilize them. There are some other species which can fertilize Dragon eggs as well.  


Other inhabitants on Reki say that the dragons are obsessed with tea and tea cups. There are many traditions that revolve around it.   The Speaker's Tea Set is a tea set that is special. The Tea ceremony is a common ceremony spearheaded by the dragons and tea and tea sets are a very large export and import for the dragons on The Station

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