Draconic age related conditions

Getting older sucks.
— One dragon to another
The Dragons who settled on The Station several thousands of years ago now have many age-related conditions. Many of the dragons who were born on The Station might get some of these conditions as well. However, they usually die before they develop them. There are also a couple of conditions young dragons born on The Station develop that the ancient dragons never had while on their original planet.  


Leyline Euphoria

Young dragons may experience euphoria the first time they come into contact with a leyline. Their parents will have a hard time keeping their child away from them.   Symptoms
Around 39% of children will experience euphoria when they encounter a leyline for the first time and in subsequent contact with leylines. This feeling will diminish when they hit puberty. The children will feel a strong, urgent pull and need to go out to experience this contact continuously.     Treatments
A medicine that dulls all emotions, the doctors don't usually recommend this medicine, but in some cases, it is necessary. Behavioral therapy is another treatment that some children get. Most parents try to keep their kids away from leylines until they are teens, but this can be hard.

Chromatic Flux

Young dragons may have temporary shifts in the coloration of their scales. While this happens, their magick will also burst if they use it.   Symptoms
Early symptoms are itchiness and drowsiness. Later, scales around the neck will change color and become chromatic. This will spread to their torso and arms. Their neck, torso, and arms will have a dull orangish rash when in human shape. When using magic in this state, the magic will become uncontrollable.     Treatments
It is still unknown why some children develop this condition. It comes and goes and will eventually disappear when they hit puberty. The children that are having an episode will need bed rest and a medicine developed for the condition that will negate the symptoms.

Fire flu

This is an infection in their digestive system. When the youngling barfs, fire also comes out. This reflex does not exist in older dragons with the same condition.   Symptoms
This condition starts with chills and stomach cramps for some people. Most kids, however, do not get these symptoms. They will get diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fever, and, of course, fire right away and out of nowhere.     Treatments
Like adults who suffer from the same condition, they are expected to suck on ice chips, rest, and only eat bland food until their stomach settles down again. There are food products produced by food companies for upset stomachs that people generally buy. These products are usually eaten while not having upset stomachs as well as a preventive measure.


When the dragons lived on their native planet, they never had any problems with eyesight. However, the dragons born on the Station are getting worse and worse eyesight. They have even started having children born on the station visit other planets with their school in an effort to help with the number of children now getting poor sight.   Symptoms
For the dragons born on The Station, around 62% of dragons will be nearsighted around the age of 8-15. They can clearly see objects close by, but from a certain distance, objects become fuzzy. The older these dragons get, the worse their sight will become. Some dragons may also get this condition at a later age. Usually around the age of 40.   Treatments
There is currently no treatment for this condition. People with this condition are told to get glasses or contacts.  


Crystalline joints

The scales of old dragons will crystalize, and they will have a hard time moving. They will have even more trouble moving while in their humanoid forms. Dragons with this condition mostly stay in their dragon form to feel better.   Symptoms
When in dragon shape, the scales around their joints will harden. In human shape, their joints might swell a little bit. These swellings will also hurt and become large a couple of years later. In dragon shape, the scales will crystalize. Their scales can be removed however in their human shape they won't be able to do much for the swellings. The swellings become more hurtful and itchy when the dragon scales are removed. In dragon shape, there will only be tenderness around the joints until the scales grow back and crystalize again.   Treatments
The regular treatment is to remove the crystalized scales or for the dragon to stay in human shape permanently to get treatment for the swelling. This, however, comes with even more problems, which is why the dragons usually choose to stay in dragon form.

Obsidian dreams

The dragon will have difficulty waking up, and their dreams will appear very real to them. The dragons with this condition will spend a lot of time sleeping.   Symptoms
Early symptoms are drowsiness and a general loss of energy. The dragon will then start sleepwalking and will later have sleeping episodes. These episodes can last from 24 hours to several days. They experience severe apathy just before the episodes. They will also suffer from hallucinations and/or delusions.   Treatments
When they sleep for more than a day, they must get fed with an IV and be cared for by a nurse. The dragons or the other scientists and doctors of other species living on The Station have yet to find any other treatment than to let them sleep. Most medicines they have tried have not worked.

Memory cascades

Dragons with this condition will experience memory overload and have problems navigating through a mental maze of recollections. These are usually ancient memories but can also be newly made.   Symptoms
Early symptoms might be misplacing items and asking questions repetitively. Later symptoms are staring into space without being able to wake up by outer stimuli or sleepwalking.   Treatments
There are several medicines to help reduce and control the symptoms.


Dragons who contract this condition will have scales molting, leading to heightened sensitivity and irritability. Dragons with this condition prefer to stay in their humanoid form, where their skin is only slightly itchy.   Symptoms
At first, the dragons will become less active and more tired. They are also more likely to get other health problems. The scales will molt for around six weeks and then be fine until they start molting again.   Treatments
Suitable room temperature, creams that provide moisture, good food, and some medicines that can help.


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