Interplanar Biodiversity Initiative

An organization dedicated to the research and conservation of balance in merged planar ecosystems.

The Interplanar Biodiversity Initiative is a world renowned organization dedicated to the research and exploration of diverse ecosystems in other realms. The Initiative was founded in Caldura just three months after The Rupture and initially started out as a local group of ten folks trying to document the influx of new creatures and invasive flora that had come through the rifts and into Rengia.   Now a global organization, the Initiative is led by an expansive team of esteemed scientists, explorers, and researchers, their work revolves around documenting and preserving the balance of combined foreign and local ecosystems and working with local governments to keep residential and agricultural areas safe.  

Hazardous Acquisitions Unit

  The Hazardous Acquisitions Unit is a branch of the Interplanar Biodiversity Initiative that deals with the deadliest creatures and plants (often in the most hostile environments). They are known to work alongside military organizations to help survey areas and provide insight on natural hazards of unexplored realms.   Due to the occupational hazards of this line of work, this branch has some of the highest paying jobs in the Initiative and includes a very generous family bereavement package. Joining the Hazardous Acquisitions Unit involves signing a lot of paperwork, including a company-bound will and a statement of secrecy.   Training for a position involves intensive study and training in the specialist fields surrounding ecology, and also in first aid, field surgery, combat and weapons training, and mechanics.  
Expedition, Scientific
Alternative Names
The Initiative, IBI
The Rupture
Military Conflict | Jan 15, 2023

The catastrophic and unforeseen event that wrought havoc upon the world, plunging it into complete and utter chaos on an unfathomable scale.

Species | Nov 30, 2022

Endangered bear-cats illegally imported from the tropical rainforests of Xendria to be kept and bred as domestic pets.

Cover image: Lazing gouper by (Photo by khaosproductions)


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May 22, 2023 19:52 by Simo

Oh, cool!   Oh...   OhNO!

May 22, 2023 21:03 by TJ Trewin

Success! xD

Journals of Yesteryear

May 23, 2023 02:20 by Dimitris Havlidis

I has a quick question - if the Planar Biodiversity Initiative is dedicated to the research and exploration of diverse ecosystems in other realms... shouldn't be called "Interplanar" (between, amid, among)   Apart from that <3

World Anvil Founder & Chief Grease Monkey
Twitter | World Anvil Changelog
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” - Aesop


May 29, 2023 14:12 by TJ Trewin

Thanks for the excellent suggestion - title updated!

Journals of Yesteryear

May 30, 2023 04:17 by Dimitris Havlidis


World Anvil Founder & Chief Grease Monkey
Twitter | World Anvil Changelog
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” - Aesop


May 23, 2023 07:40 by Catoblepon

Oh I like them! *reads blurry lines* HOLD ON

May 29, 2023 14:13 by TJ Trewin


Journals of Yesteryear

May 23, 2023 16:09 by Chris L

Very cool concept. I have something similar in my own mish-mash of biology from different worlds called the "Anomalous Forest." I wrote it my first year on World Anvil, so it's due for a rewrite. This will be a great reference when I get to it.

Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak and check out my award winning article about the Ghost Boy of Kirinal!

May 29, 2023 14:13 by TJ Trewin


Journals of Yesteryear

May 28, 2023 19:55 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

This is so - OH NO.

May 29, 2023 14:14 by TJ Trewin

Oh dear oh dear.

Journals of Yesteryear

Jun 5, 2023 02:08

I came to the comment section to mention that the "very generous family bereavement package" gave me some inspiring ideas.   I ended up clicking the "reveal spoilers" box hoping to find something there related to the comments and... now I'm thinking to much, probably in the right time, but also a little sad.

Jun 9, 2023 14:03 by TJ Trewin

Ohnooo :<   I'm glad at least that the first half of the article sparked some inspiration!

Journals of Yesteryear

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