Gurita Character in Melior | World Anvil


The wrathful fire octopus deity of the volcanic Iji Islands in Rengia who just wants to keep things peaceful and tidy.

Gurita is the deity of The Iji Islands and resides at the heart of an active volcano (which the locals have named the Isle of Gurita). The religion of Guritism stems from the belief that if you do not follow Gurita's eight tenets (one for every molten tentacle), you will be smited with fire and ash for your sins.  
  1. Live a life of peace. Resolve things without violence.
  2. Maintain the natural beauty of your homeland.
  3. Care for your self first, before caring for others.
  4. Exercise your body, and your mind will be at peace.
  5. Exercise your mind, and your body will be at peace.
  6. Pass your teachings to others, as lessons were once passed to you.
  7. Protect the islands, and the isles will protect you.
  8. Consume only your fill, so that others may feed.
— Eight limbs to live by
  Legend says that when Gurita is upset, her glassy black tears can be found on the volcanic slopes in the form of little lumps of dukori. These small shiny black rocks called Gurita's Tears are used for religious pendants, prayer beads, and keepsakes.  

Omens of Fire

Gurita can be seen during volcanic activity in the isles, and will flare out its fiery tentacles from the mouth of the volcano. It is common to see one or two limbs thrashing above the crater; to see up to four is a very bad omen, and to see all eight is a sign of the end times. The only time this was seen was during the catastrophic events of The Rupture over fifty years ago.   Dedicated Guris will make the pilgrimage up the slopes of the active volcano, either in self punishment for breaking the tenets, or for peace offerings to be left as close to the summit as they can reach.
Aligned Organization
Organization | Nov 20, 2022

The peace keeping religion of The Iji Islands. The one with the big angry fire octopus deity.

Cover image: by TJ Trewin


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