A Guide to Stealth
Stashed away behind the crumbling walls of Talan Castle, Guildmaster Jozek's 'A Guide to Stealth' is probably the most valuable asset that The Locks and Quays guild actually owns.
This meticulously written tome was created by the guildmaster to help educate disadvantaged new members. Jozek will sit in one to one sessions with guild members and not only teach them how to read but show them the ways of stealth from this hand written guide.
The book contains chapters divided into different subject areas and covers both theoretical and practical exercises that a Thief can practise to hone their abilities. Jozek has also accommodated for the clumsy folk, too; there are chapters specifically for Humans and Manavaxians to learn how to be in tune with their bodies.
Not only does the book teach the reader about stealth, it also teaches a Thief how to stealth in society and behave like a 'normal' human. This allows the many outcast Thieves to return to new communities and establish a safe and legitimate life.
Concealed within this book are many secrets and ciphers. Jozek comissioned a trusted artist to paint a map of access points to Capstone Sewers along the fore-edge of the pages. The illustration is only visible when the pages are fanned out. When the book is shut, the illustration is hidden by the grubby charcoal-smudged edges of the pages.
There are a few crude illustrations by Guildmaster Jozek's hand but they often have to be explained first before they make much sense.
Jozek keeps this valuable book safe in his quarters within Talan Castle, but trusts certain high ranking guild members to supervise new members to flip through the pages.
Guide, Survival