Железнорождённый in Мир Беспросветной Тьмы | World Anvil
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The ironborn can withstand the blows of the mightiest creatures, fight on even while punctured by many black-fletched arrows, and resist the harshest conditions and most potent venoms. The ironborn can single-handedly turn the tide of a battle and rout vastly superior forces simply by refusing to fall. Whether this almost unnatural resilience comes their own internal fortitude or some external factor depends on the individual in question. Some ironborn may be gifted with an ancestry that leaves them tougher than most, while others may have been imbued with a power from one of the Fallen or even the world around them. And some may simply be too tough or too stubborn to die. Whatever the cause of their resilience, ironborn characters tend to be loners, privately battling the pain of a thousand wounds, both physical and mental. They make loyal allies, however, and those who come to know them respect them a great deal.



Не были выбраны особенности из других деревьев героического пути.

Вас намного сложнее убить, чем других обывателей Арита. Когда вы совершаете спасбросок от смерти, при результате 6 или больше он засчитывается успешным. Если ваш результат равен или выше 16, то вы восстанавливаете 1 очко здоровье (главное, чтобы ваше очко ещё было цело).

Tough as Iron

Minimum level of 4

You have become tough enough to shrug off painful blows and discount even serious wounds. As a reaction, you may choose to have all damage you take be reduced by 2 for the next 10 minutes. At the end of that time, you gain one level of exhaustion. At 6th level, you may choose to have all damage you take be reduced by 3 instead. At 9th level, you may choose to have all damage you take be reduced by 4 instead. At 12th level, you may choose to have all damage you take be reduced by 5 instead.


Minimum level of 8

You can tirelessly persist when your companions collapse from exhaustion. You gain the following benefits: 0 Your Strength or Constitution score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20. 0 You do not suffer disadvantage on your Strength or Constitution ability checks or saving throws as a result of exhaustion. 0 When you complete a short or long rest, you reduce your exhaustion level by 1, and you may make a Constitution saving throw against a DC of 15. If you succeed, you reduce your exhaustion level by 2 instead. Alexey Drobyazko

Quick Recovery

Minimum level of 12

Your physical reserves become truly astounding, giving you the following benefits: 0 Your Constitution score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20. 0 As a bonus action, you may gain a level of exhaustion to immediately spend any number of Hit Dice. For each Hit Die spent this way, roll the die and add your Constitution modifier, regaining hit points equal to the total.


Minimum level of 16

You can survive the unsurvivable. When you are hit by an attack or subjected to an effect that deals damage, you may choose to gain a level of exhaustion to avoid taking that damage.

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