Scourge Alight Organization in [[Blank World]] | World Anvil
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Scourge Alight

This is a group in only the loosest sense. They are dragons, dragon-kin, half-dragons, dragon spawn, and dragon-blooded who are under the yoke of Calescent the Dragonwalker. Once she knows them, they are hers. Some have bought into their new lot and are fiercely loyal, and others are just doing what they need to survive. This chaotic grinding machine churns Calescent's desires into reality.


Many. What's theirs is hers. Some of her thralls were already very powerful, influential entities before being enslaved.

Burn out the Mind. Incinerate Flesh and Soul. Perfect Purity.

Founding Date
Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
Vessels of the Dragonwalker, Flesh of the Dragon Beyond, Children of Pweglath

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