Wukongi Species in (WIP) | World Anvil
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Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Most males have rather small beards which do not grow past the start of the torso.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Interpretetur Curiosum
60 years
Average Height
1.70-1.75 meters
Average Weight
110-127 kg
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Underneath a thick covering of hair the skin tends to be a very dark grey, with some being more blue, pinkish, or even of an orange/brown hue. Hair color tends to vary widely with few gradients between coats such as: deep red, yellowish brown, tannish brown, dark brown, orange, orangish brown, golden, grayish blue, light blue and bluish-green, with more exotic colors usually fading into darker tones by adulthood. In old age grayer areas tend to appear, accumulating around the face and parts of the chest.   Eye colors vary from dark to light brown, amber, dark red, and grey.

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