General of The Silvalux Military Rank/Title in (Placeholder) | World Anvil
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General of The Silvalux Military


Must be at least an officer in The Silvalux Military.


The person is given this rank in a public meeting with the King, Queen, or highest ranked royal individual.


It is the duty of the General to appoint and recruit new soldiers and officers, as well as making sure the army is well supplied.


Living quarters in the main stronghold, meals with the royal family and respect.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

If they become unable to hold the title properly, or when the King and/or Queen decide to dismiss the individual.
Civic, Military, Commissioned
Source of Authority
King and/or Queen
Length of Term
Until the individual is unable to do the position, or until they step down from the position.
Past Holders
Reports directly to
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