Helsh Species in 15th Realm of Secrets | World Anvil
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Helsh is a Tesfasni spice that leaves a gentle savory flavour on your tongue and then hits you with a very strong spicy burn in the back after a few seconds. Though this spice isn't that valuable, it's used a lot in Berini and Tesfasni cooking and brings in a lot of money through exports.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Subtropical plains. it's usually untouched by insects.

Additional Information


People started cultivating it at around the 3rd century B.B and it has since been developed into many varieties.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The stalks are collected, dried and ground into a fine powder. That is what people mainly use of this plant.
North Rashini
Conservation Status
Least concern.
Average Height
65 cm

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