Hastatodextrus Rank/Title in 15th Realm of Secrets | World Anvil
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Hastatodextrus is an honorary Berini title given to great soldiers and warriors. It means "right spear".


Showing feats of bravery and competence in a difficult battle.


He is given a medal by a member of the upper high nobility, the Nobles' Ministry or the emperor himself.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

If the title bearer commits a very serious crime, he is stripped of his title and disgraced instead of getting the usual punishment. Can only be done by the emperor, Nobles' Ministry or upper high nobility. Also, if it is discovered that the title bearer didn't truly earn this title by his merit, he is stripped of it.

Cultural Significance

It is a title that shows strength and courage. It is percieved as an honorable title and enemy soldiers lose morale when they know that they are facing an army that has in it many Hastatodexri.

Notable Holders

Mariani Cornelius (one of Arquado's major generals)
Civic, Military, Not Commissioned
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