Runeiform or The Machine Language Language in "Tears for the Red Sun" | World Anvil
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Runeiform or The Machine Language

Runeiform, also known as The Machine Language, is the language of magic and an alphabet of magical glyphs. The details of this ancient language have been lost, and new symbols are occasionally discovered. The symbols are what make up the words on the Spool of a Steelborn, which is why many call it The Machine Language. Runeiform works the same way a coding language does on a computer. Specific sequences and words create commands, but the grammar and form have to be 100% correct or it won't work. Even worse than a broken spell is one that becomes exponentially powerful and harms the user.   The Runeiform is useless without a source of magic to power the spell. That can either be from sky whale oil or a mana potion, or darker magic can use the energy of a living being. Some spells also require different ingredients to work. For example, fire magic is created through the energy of hatred, so when a fire spell is written runeiform the spellcaster has to write down something that fills them with hatred. That could be a scathing poem about their hatred of their mother that abandoned them or the name of someone who tried to kill them.    With recent advancements in sky whale oil technology, alchemists and craftsman realized that they could use large tomes filled with this language to operate machines. Most modern flying machines have some type of Machine Language Tome operating some of the functions that would archaically be operated by hand. Only highly trained magic technicians or Steelborn can fix the tomes. Most people view the tomes the same way modern people view how microchips work. They have a small idea but just accept their use in everyday life.

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