Airships Technology / Science in "Tears for the Red Sun" | World Anvil
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A broad term for all craft built to float on air through a mix of magical or technological means. The ships can vary in size from small one-person fishing vessels to gigantic battleships, but all of them rely on the magic currents to float.   The most common type of airship looks very similar to a ship that would sail on water, except it has sails on either side of the ship. The sails are made of Solar Silk, a type of silk made from the spiders of the deep desert that reflects the magical energy radiating upwards from the sand. Instead of catching gusts of wind, the sails capture the solar magic bouncing off of the sand (the same way radiation from the sun bounces off of the surface of the planet and is reflected back into space) and use that energy to float above the ground. The sails don't require any outside magical energy to operate, but they are subject to the ebbs and flows of the magical currents throughout the world. The size of the sail needed is relative to the size of the ship. The same size sail needed to move a boat on water would be needed on the sides of the ship to keep it afloat on the magical currents.   Technological advancements in recent years have made airship sailing a lot easier to chart the currents. Certain instruments can be used to track where the strongest magical currents are, and where they are going. Before this, magic users would have to strain themselves to track the flow of the solar seas. Communication has also become much easier, with the advent of basic wireless communication similar to early radio. Some of the newest airships have full engines, allowing them to fly five times as fast as ships that only rely on the solar winds.

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