Creating Content Trees Auto Loads content tree and you cant make role selections | World Anvil

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Creating Content Trees Auto Loads content tree and you cant make role selections

· Organization charts ·
By Aelstyn on 05/10/2024

If you are creating a content tree from the main section for it, you put in the name of the new contact tree then hit Shift-enter to make it, it prompts you to pick a role or create another etc. it waits a few seconds then loads you into that content tree prior to being able to select the role and in some cases faster than being able to create a new content tree.   its a minor annoyance but something I noticed.   thanks, you folk are the best!

Steps to Reproduce

click on + content tree   use popup on far right side fill out content tree title hit shift-enter content tree permissions page pops wait about 4 seconds auto-loads content tree with out input

Operating System



Google Chrome