Timeline- description field annoyance | World Anvil

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Timeline- description field annoyance

· Timelines ·
By Brock Leslie on 04/27/2024
· Assigned to ttblaze

Whenever you want to fill out an area in the timeline and add a description, when the side bar pops out on the left, you can fill out the description field. Whenever you type in the box, the website saves the progress every few words (i like that feature as a whole), however, the issue is whenever you type in the description box and it saves, it will glitch out and interrupt your typing and replace anything deleted or just become a scrambled mess. It's almost as if the saving is causing it to reload where it was when it saved last and the work you do is deleted or replaced. It's sometimes funny, sometimes annoying. Mostly irritating lol.

Steps to Reproduce

Open Timelines, Create anything that you can make a description for, Using the left panel that pops open, type something while it is saving your content. If you notice it is fine, please also delete on and off a word and replace that word with something else etc. You should notice the word you just deleted show back up, or the word you just typed disappear.   *I am not sure why this happens, but it has only happened on Timelines thus far*

Operating System



Google Chrome

Related Entity

All timeline entries.


ttblaze @ 29 Apr, 2024 08:09:57 Assignee
Assigned ttblaze