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How to report a breach in etiquette on World Anvil

If you find a problematic article on World Anvil, you can let us know by reporting it! For example, an article might include not safe for work content, but not be flagged NSFW.

  1. Go to the bottom of the article, where the like button is, and you’ll see a flag button. If you mouse over this, it says “report article or comments content".
  2. Click this button and it will open a form in a new tab.
  3. Please fill in the form as accurately as you can, including all the details. A member of the community team will check through and perform the needed actions to resolve the report. You will usually not hear back from us as we keep moderator actions private, but we’re always grateful when people flag problematic content in the community. So thank you in advance!

Not sure if something is problematic? Read our Community Etiquette guide.