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How to create a global post on World Anvil

Available to all Guild subscription tiers. Upgrade here.


Have an article to share, an announcement to celebrate, or just some good old-fashioned worldbuilding advice? Global posts are a great way to let others know what you’re busy with and connect with the World Anvil community.


To create a global post on World Anvil:

  1. Go to the Main Dashboard or your Author Profile. To find your Author Profile, click the circular portrait at the top right and select “View Profile”.
  2. Write your post! If it’s a short message (<128 characters), you can write in the main text box. For longer posts, click “Make a Journal Entry”, and type away. The journal entry field is BBCode enabled, which means you can use formatting and embed article blocks and images (and everything else) there.
  3. (optional) Add a header image! Click the “Add a Header Image” button, and type the image ID number.
  4. Once you’re ready, click Post!

Global Posts can be a powerful tool, and with great power comes great responsibility. The Community Guidelines for global posts are:

  • Don’t spam! Try to keep global posts to no more than 1 per day. Spamming is annoying for others, and may get your ability to post globally revoked.
  • Be a force for good! Be creative and helpful, announce things that the community will be excited about or share resources that make everyone's worldbuilding life better!
  • Embrace the community. Be a good sport, post helpful things globally and you might see your post shouted out for everyone to see! Reply to other people’s global posts, and you’ll soon make friends and see more interaction on your own too.

Global posts are a guild perk and cost 500 Anvil coins (which you earn by simply logging in to World Anvil each day!).