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Feature Guide to Calendars

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Calendars allow you to name your days and months, and choose how long they last. They are great to track festivals, phases of moons and celestial bodies, as well as the general flow of time in your world. They can convey a wealth of lore about the priorities, customs, and history of your setting.



This is not a timeline!

Calendars are not timelines! Instead, they are a template of events to be combined with your timeline. A calendar represents a cycle, a timeline represents a line. Learn more in our guide to timelines.


How to create a calendar


Calendars can be accessed from the Calendars option in the left sidebar menu, under Advanced Tools. Clicking on the calendars option, will slide open a field with all your created calendars and a green +Calendar button to create a new one.



You can alternatively click on the green hammer button on the bottom right of your screen and select Calendar to create a new one.

  1. After clicking on the "Calendar" button, a pop-up will appear.
  2. Write the title of your calendar (it needs to be at least 4 letters long).
  3. Click the submit button or Shift + Enter.

You will be immediately redirected to the calendars edit interface.


How to edit a calendar


After creating your calendar, you can click on it in the list of all your created calendars on the left sidebar menu. It will lead you to the edit page.


  • Calendar Name: under the calendar name, you can edit the title of your calendar.
  • Description: under description, you can write a description for your calendar.
  • Preview Year: the year you're viewing the calendar when editing. This offset is merely to help simulate calculating which dates a holiday or event might fall on within your lore.
    • To change the year on the embed, add a | and a year number in the bbcode. For example: [calendar:ID|YEAR]
  • Day Offset: represents how many days the first day of the first year is offset by. By default, the first day of the calendar falls on the first day of the week. If you wish to offset it so that the first day of the the first year of the calendar falls on a different day, change this number. It is not standard for calendars to operate in this way historically.

Weekdays & Months


To give shape to your calendar, you need to first define the weekdays and the months.


  1. Expand the "Weekdays" section and click "Add Weekday" for as many weekdays as you intend to add.
  2. Label them all accordingly. This is a required part of the calendar, as it specifies the length of a week (you can edit these later).
    • If you wish to hide weekdays from view, toggle Hide the names of the days of the week in presentation to hide them from the Presentation.
  3. Expand the "Months" section and click "Add Month" for as many months as you intend to add. For now, I recommend adding all of them before filling them out, as adding a new one wipes out the old.
  4. Once you've added the correct number of months, fill out their length and duration (you can edit these later).
  5. Once you are done, scroll towards the top of the page and click the save button.
  6. You will now see your calendar preview rendered to your specs, under the Output section.

Celestial Objects


Celestial Objects are any object important to the calendar which moves in repeating cycles. This might be moons, meteors, or other satellites, but you can get creative and treat this field however you wish.



You are given several fields to fill out. Next to each one, there is a question mark icon which you may hover for more information as to what that field is for.

  • Cycle: determines how long a celestial takes to go between 'new moon' phases.
  • Shift: shifts the initial phase of the celestial forward (or backwards with negative numbers) so you can adjust it to your preference.
  • Icon: They can be any icon from Fontawsome or RPG-Awesome.
  • Color: Use HTML Colors to change the secondary color of the background.
  • Classes: Custom CSS classes can be used for a special layout for each celestial object.
  • Description: This description will appear in a modal when clicking on the celestial object on the embedded calendar.



Use events to define holidays, leap days, or anything else that's recurring.



Add them by hovering the date you wish to add an event to and clicking the button which appears. This will open a dialog full of event creation options. If you are confused by an option, click the floating symbol for help.


Under your displayed calendar, there is also an Advanced Events Configuration field, where you can reorder your events.


Calendar example


This is what your calendar will look like in view mode on World Anvil!

You can click on each month to view its presentation.



How to embed and share your calendar


Others can only see your calendar if you embed it into an article to share first. You can embed your calendar by clicking the Copy Calendar BBCode button towards the top of the editor, and pasting the result into an article.


How to Export/Import a calendar


At the bottom of the editing page, you can export or import a calendar. You can copy the JSON of your created calendar on the first field, and you can also import a calendar, by pasting its JSON on the second field and clicking on the Import Calendar button.

The import field only accepts JSON generated by World Anvil calendars.



You can import these fan crafted WA calendars by Graylion!


How to delete a calendar

Be careful: deleting a calendar is irreversible—once it’s done, there’s no way to get it back.


To delete your calendar, you need to click the Calendars option in the left sidebar menu, under Advanced Tools. You will see all your created calendars listed there. Mouse over the one you want to delete and click on the trash icon and then the green confirmation button.