How to use lists in your articles

Lists are great to break up long paragraphs and to make information easier to parse. Here's how to created ordered and unordered lists on World Anvil!


How to create lists: the basics

There are two types of lists: unordered (with bullet points) and ordered (with numbers). You can create both with the WYSIWYG using the list icons in the toolbar, but if you're using BBCode, take a look at these examples to see how they work:

- This is the first item
- Second item!
  • This is the first item
  • Second item!
- This is the first item
- Second item!
  1. This is the first item
  2. Second item!

Notice how the only difference between the ordered and unordered lists are the tags for the entire list ([ol] for ordered, and [ul] for unordered). Then, simply write every list item with a hyphen in a new line.


How to create nested lists

You can use nested lists to add indented sublists under specific list items. To do so, simple open and close a list within another list. Here you can see one example for each type of list:

- This is the first item
- Sub-item
- Second item!
  • This is the first item
    • Sub-item
  • Second item!
- This is the first item
- Sub-item
- Second item!
  1. This is the first item
    1. Sub-item
  2. Second item!

You can also combine them. For example, you could have an unordered list inside an ordered list, and viceversa.


Always make sure to close the tags, otherwise there will be formatting errors in your article!