How to embed statblocks in your articles in BBCode & Formatting Knowledge Base | World Anvil

How to embed statblocks in your articles

If you're building your world for an RPG, you'll need to embed your statblocks in your articles. Here's how!

  1. Under Advanced Tools, click on Statblocks.
  2. Each statblock on the list has a button with a number on the left. Click the button for the statblock you want to embed. This will copy an embed code to your clipboard, which will look like [block:...].
  3. Edit an article and paste to embed the statblock. When you view the article, the statblock will be there!

Linking and attaching statblocks

There are two additional ways you can integrate statblocks with articles: linking and attaching.


Link to a block

This will create a link to the view page of the statblock, but it will not embed it:

  1. Follow the steps described above to embed the block.
  2. After pasting the embed code, replace block for blocklink. For example, if you pasted [block:123], [blocklink:123] will create a link without the embed.

Attaching a block to an article

An attached block will be displayed under the article content container, so it will feel separate. This could be useful if you want the focus of the article to be your worldbuilding but you still want some connection to the article's stats. Here's how to do it:

  1. Edit the article and go to the "Sections" tab at the top.
  2. Under the sub-tab "Footer", find the "Associated RPG Block" section. Open the drop-down and select the statblock from the list.
  3. The statblock will now appear under the article when viewing it.