How to set and embed the current world date in your articles

The current date feature is a handy tool that helps you stay consistent with your world's timelines and calendars. Here's how you can set it and embed it anywhere!


Set the current date

  1. Open your world settings by clicking the gear icon button at the bottom of the sidebar and then the double gear icon.
  2. Go to the "Date & Time" tab and find the "Current Date" field.
  3. Use the text fields there to set up the current year, month, and day. Or, alternatively, just use the display date field, which will be displayed instead of the specific values.
  4. Click the save changes button.

Embed the current date anywhere

If set, the current date will be displayed in your world homepage. But if you also want it elsewhere, follow these steps:

  1. Open your world settings by clicking the gear icon button at the bottom of the sidebar and then the double gear icon.
  2. On the right, click on Open Advanced Tools & Options and click on "World Widgets".
  3. There, copy the "world current date" and paste it anywhere on World Anvil to embed it.