Scales, Thick Hides & Yellow Eyes Part 2 Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Scales, Thick Hides & Yellow Eyes Part 2 Report

General Summary

The Impetuous managed to rescue the Kill Team in their severely damaged Stormraven. After being brought back aboard, the Kill Team scoured the Ship Graveyard in the outer reaches and destroyed multiple Outposts within (belonging to the Xenos). The Kill Team also boarded a Transport Shuttle and managed to capture a single Soldier and a corpse of an Alpha.   After this, the Combined fleet headed toward Varanus IIIa. Once the Fleet arrived, Fleet Wellington established an orbit around the moon, with the Kill Team being Dropped off via Stormraven near a large Cylindrical Structure.   As soon as they made planetfall however, a pair Xenos Air Beasts chased after the Stormraven and the Kill Team. Though disaster could have swiftly followed, the Kill Team easily dispatched the Flying Beasts with hails of [Heavy] Bolter Firer.   Making their way inside an adjacent structure the Kill Team pushed forward, killing many xenos as they moved until they came to a bridge connecting the main structure. The 200m long bridge was barricaded by the Xenos with dozens upon dozens of defenders.   With Bolt and Blade, the Kill Team pushed through toward the end, but were stopped in their tracks by a Xenos Psyker whose Warp Lightning Brought Asher low, writhing in pain on the ground. This allowed the surviving Xenos to retreat behind the Blast doors of the Structure.    Will the Kill Team be able to stop or even capture the Xenos Psyker? Or will this Psyker manage to stop the Kill Team in its tracks?

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