Scales, Thick Hides & Yellow Eyes Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Scales, Thick Hides & Yellow Eyes Report

General Summary

After prolonged and turbulent Warp Travel, The Kill arrived in system perilously close to the system's star. After a series of failed attempts, Praemethius managed to pull the ship out of the Sun's Orbit. After hours had gone by, the Kill Team's ship received transmissions coming from the Outer reaches of the system. It was Admiral Wellington and his fleet, who informed the Kill Team that he and his fleet have been attempting to evade enemy patrols but are unable to prolong conflict much longer. The Kill rushed to their defense... A little over a week later, the trap was sprung as the Imperial Fleet managed to lead the Xenos into the Kill Team. After a brief exchange, it was clear that the Imperial Navy had won, and the enemy began retreating. Before they could however, Shatur decided to attempt a boarding action with his party using their Stormraven as a boarding craft... Unfortunately, the Stormraven was shot down in the void. Though there were no injuries, the Stormraven will need extensive repairs, and a novel's worth of soothing hymns and mantras to appease it's machine spirit.

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