Scales, Thick Hides & Yellow Eyes Part 3 Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Scales, Thick Hides & Yellow Eyes Part 3 Report

General Summary

Kicking off with their battle against the Xenos Psyker, Kill Team Shatur battled the Xenos... for all of 6 seconds... A burst of Kraken rounds from Praemethius' Heavy Bolter ended the encounter before the Xenos could summon anymore warp lightning.   Entering the Cylindrical Facility, the Kill Team witnessed thousands of Varanus Reptilia fleeing from them. After braving a few hordes, Asher met his end in melee fighting against a tide of Varanus Wretches. With Praemethius also severely wounded Shatur ordered an extraction, and the Kill Team managed to withdraw without further incident.   Back aboard the Impetuous, Shatur orders the ship to fire a Cyclonic Torpedo at Varanus IIIa. The world was engulfed in nuclear fire. Nothing survived. With Asher's death still on the minds of the crew, the Imperial Fleet set course for Varanus II.   Arriving near the planet within 4 days, Admiral Alexis aboard the Fortuna assisted the Impetuous in scanning for the Xenos Fleet... They would find them shortly after.   The Xenos fleet had turned their attention to the Imperial Frigates having seemingly seen through their attempt at stealth, and though the Kaiser, Fortuna and Impetuous had gained a bit of ground with their ruse, it would be all for naught...   With accuracy unparalleled to anything they had displayed before, the Varanus Reptilla crippled the Imperial fleet. The Frigates Seeker of Truth and Knight of Dawn had been destroyed one after the other. The Kaiser had one of its Starboard Macrocannon batteries destroyed and the Fortuna has been Crippled with its Port Launch Bay damaged... Meanwhile the Impetuous has had its Auspex Arrays knocked out, leaving the vessel nearly blind.   Admiral Wellington voxed Praemethius, and reluctantly gave the order to retreat...   The Kaiser, Fortuna and Pious Flame now seek to disengage, but doing so will prove difficult. As a potentially last act of vengeance, the Impetuous blew a hole in the Planet's defenses and launched their last Cyclonic Torpedo. If nothing else, the Kill Team will ensure that these savage Xenos will no longer have a place to call 'Home'...   The question remains however; Will the Kill Team make it back to theirs?

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