Session 2: The Goblin Raid Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 2: The Goblin Raid

General Summary

23rd Rova, 4707 AR  

The Goblin Raid

  A small band of goblins blew up a cart at the southern edge of the Church Square. This one was accompanied by a chanting goblin, who seemed to buoy their spirits. Baldur and Theodore lead the charge against these ne'er-do-wells, with support from the others behind them. Chaos reined around the town, as goblins ran hither and thither with stolen loot, terrorizing people and pets, and generally making a mess.   After the fight, Father Zantus found them and offered some healing and gratitude. With the square cleared, he began to set it up to care for the wounded. Cyrdak Drokkus rushed by seeking help for the burning Theatre, and Theodore ran to help him. He organized a bucket brigade to the theatre.   Back in the square, there was suddenly a scream from the North!   The heroes ran toward the North gate where a particularly muscular goblin riding a furless goblin dog was taunting a nobleman and his own loyal hound. The goblin slit the throat of the noble dog, before turning his attention to the human. Fortunately, the group was able to rush to his rescue as even more goblins emerged from hiding!   It was a tough fight, where several of them revealed their unique skills. Espa used some fungal spores to coax the dog's corpse into post-mortem action, ensnaring goblins and later the goblin dog. Baldur's sword was used well against the goblin commando. Satashi shot several arrows true, but when a goblin rushes at his legs he was able to shoot magical fire from his hands!     After the Fight   Baldur chases down and dispatches a final goblin before they regroup. Naeric pokes and prods at everyone in the manner of a physician, and hands out some potions to heal their wounds.   As fires and chaos spread around the rest of the town, the group sticks together to patrol. They pass guards escorting a pair of captured goblins, people helping townsfolk, and the broadened responsibility of Remmington's bucket brigade taking care of fires.   Briefly, they are stopped by Ameiko Kaijitsu on her own patrol of the town, and she offers them a free week at the Rusty Dragon as thanks for their assistance. She hopes having people of character and skill around will discourage any further goblins from attacking.   At the end of the evening, they do head to the Rusty Dragon. Townsfolk make way to give them a table, where they drink, eat, and rest. Espa realizes that this could have been an organized attack, and suggests they try to interrogate some of the captured goblins.   They head to the Garrison, and are escorted inside to meet Sheriff Hemlock who is coordinating efforts to clear goblins out of the town. They haven't gotten any useful information out of the goblins yet, but allow Espa to have a chance herself.   Espa charms a goblin, Gripgott, who says a longshank lead the raid to distract and get into the graveyard. Gripgott revealed that Warchief Ripnugget and Stickfoot would know who the master is. After informing the sheriff, he asked the group to accompany him to the graveyard that night to check it out while the rest of the guard patrols the town.

Zii's Rise of the Runelords 2E
Report Date
28 May 2021

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