Session 0: To Catch A Thief Report

General Summary

Session 0: To Catch A Thief

Sometimes strange things wander into the east end of Altdorf and earlier this morning it was a tall shiny elf called Amris Emberfell that wandered into the Sindelfingen District and woke Molrella Brandysnap from her nice cosy bed.   Now less than a candle hour later, and having struck a deal of sorts, both of them are standing in a deserted street surrounded by tall tenements and watched by many eyes from behind shuttered windows or dark corners.   The locals are fearful of the imminent arrival of the city watch patrol. A false warning having been given by Moli specifically to clear the street and give her and her sister Mi-mi first dibs on the elf. But the time it bought them will not last long as the patrol the locals are hiding from has not appeared and sooner or later the locals will twig that it was a false alarm.

First Contact

Having cleared the street and got rid of the competition for the attention of the elf Moli tries to underline her value as a guide and get away from the area with the Elf before the other inhabitants look through her little bluff.   While staring at the Elf the whole time, she says: "I've lived here quite a while, and I know quite a few of the people. By the way, we should get going, this street can be a bit dangerous, when you spend too much time here. So. What are you up to?"  
Amris nods with a smile, what a polite little girl, and the watchman said this area of town was rough and tumble, other than the smell it hasn't been to bad at all! "I'm trying to get to a place called 'The Three Beards' if you can take me there without delay i can make it worth your while." He hands the little halfling girl 2 brass pennies "You'll receive the rest when we arrive."  
Mi-mi takes her face out of the elves robe at last and gives Moli a worried glance "Did it say it wanted ta go to the Three Beards?" she asked incredulously, "It must be joking." she added "That's right thru the Dreck's we'll be lucky to get out wiv our clothes still on."
Moli nods and looks over her shoulder to see if the damn Burdocks are already showing up. She can already see some of them starting to emerge nervously back onto the street. "Alright let's go! Let's head north and take the street by the river. The Three Beards is in an alley just off the river." she decides and leads everyone quickly away. "Why do you wanna go to such a filthy place? I hope you're a capable fighter?" she asks as they hurry along towards the road they known locally as 'the wagon way' as it is the road used by wagons to access the warehouses along the Old Docks. An idea forms in her head. These Elves are all great magicians, didn't they even help Magnus the Pious?   Moli's mind starts to spin, as they start their walk..."Maybe... Are you a wizard?" she asks. Then remembering that Elves are supposed to live forever she adds "Did you know Magnus the Pious?" and then asks "Are you immortal?" her brain coming up with fresh mysteries to resolve as fast as she can voice them.
  Amris smiles apologetically at the little halfling "No, i'm not a wizard, but I can hold my own if need be. And Magnus the Pious?" he grins "No! I never met him. I'm only a young man of 98!"   Moli is impressed. She can't drag her eyes away from the fascinating being walking beside her, admiring how his golden hair blows in the wind.
"98?! Then you're the second oldest person I've ever met! Only the old Thusnelda Crumblepie was older, I think 130. But by Esmeralda, you could see it. You instead...Ouch!" Moli is so busy staring at the elf that she stumbles over a little rock as she babbles: "Oops. I'm OK! Nothing happened. You look young!" She rubs her toe for a short while. While her face is still a bit contorted with pain, she asks: "By the way, do you want to eat something on your way? On the river street is a chippy that does the best fried Stirpikes in the quarter..."

Amris shakes his head as his stomach turns at the mere thought of the meal, he can barely stomach the food that the well-off humans eat. And judging by the look and smell of the other food establishments they've walked past it was very unlikely to get better on this side of the bridge. "No no, straight to The Three Beards, I don't have a moment to waste!"

Moli shrugs as they pass by the chippy. A feeling of slight regret rolls through her stomach as she glimpses over to the fried fish. "Well, OK, I see, no problem, obviously." She lies, trying to focus her view down the road, away from the food. "Who do you want to meet there? Maybe I know the person and can help you?"   Halima turns to Moli "You head off before the Burdocks realise there's no watch patrol," she says urgently "I'll go an' gather up the flower girls and catch you up. We may need all the 'elp we can get." Moli agree's and makes an inviting guesture with her open hand pointing to the north: "OK Mr Elf, Sir. Would you be so kind."   The street is beginning to stir again as Moli and Amris move off towards the river. Moli knows that where they are heading has a reputation as a tough area heavily worked by the local guilds but at the same time the ships and their cargoes will mean a strong watch presence unlike the Dracksack District on the far side of the Breichstrasse where the watchmen rarely leave their watch station.   Mi-mi has shot off to collect the rest of the family for additional support so for the moment Moli and Amris are alone on the street. As soon as the two leave the intense smell of fried fish behind, Moli's eyes return to studying Amris. She starts eyeballing him, with a slightly open mouth, her face depicting the sort of awe that a toddler might display on seeing something interesting for the first time.

A Deal Is Struck

31st Day of Pflugzeit, 2512 IC
Time: Mid-Morning
Weather: Clear skies and a warm easterly breeze

Moli and Amris emerge from the narrow street dominated by its tall tenements onto a broad quayside running along the south bank of the River Talabec. The far side of the quay is lined with two or three-storey warehouses and Amris is immediately reminded of the docks in Sith Rionnasc'namishathir. Cargo is being lowered from the second stories of several warehouses into wagons and above the warehouse roofs, he can see the masts of ships and barges drawn up against the quay for unloading. All is hustle and bustle and only a few of those working on the quayside take any notice of the elf and the halfling.
  [OOC: Secret Observation Check]
Amris scans quickly for any sign of elves amongst the merchants or ships crews but doesn't spot any.

"This way" Moli points to the northeast. She discreetly looks over her shoulder and scans the side alleys for any followers. "I bet it's been a long way from your home to here. It's overseas, right? So you've seen the ocean? How is it? And how is your home, compared to this?" Moli pesters Amris with questions.
  [OOC: I'm going to assume unless anyone says otherwise that Amris will follow Moli in accordance with the DAYAT rule as he is paying her to lead him to The Three Beards.]
  Moli leads the way, turning right onto the road that runs behind the warehouses lining the river. As far as she knows it has no official name but everyone calls it the 'Wagonway' simply because that's what it's there for, to provide access for wagons to the warehouses along the quay.
  [OOC Secret Observation Check]
  On the left, the road is flanked by tall warehouses at least two storey's high from which cargo is being lowered into the waiting wagons. There are occasional gaps and alleyways giving access to the river and the barges alongside the quay along which you can Amris catches glimpses of the river.   To the right of the road, and spilling out across it, are all the trades associated with supporting the activity on the docks. Food is high on agenda with pie sellers and sausage sellers in great abundance providing meals on the go for the busy stevedores and carters. Taking food to the customers to save them having to stop work. But there are also pie and mash shops and sausage and chop shops lining the road for those who have the time to take a break. These are interspersed with ships chandlers, blacksmith and carpentry workshops, shipping agent offices and even occasional chapels and shrines to Manaan despite the distance we are from the sea.
  Amris finds it hard to take everything in, the sheer energy of it is dazzling. Whilst over all of it the easterly breeze colours the scene with multi-hued energy of its own carried no doubt from the wastelands hundreds of miles to the east. Amris finds himself casually looking for magic-users amongst the crowds, those who naturally draw the energy to themselves but finds none of particular note. His own body draws what it needs to maintain its balance and blocks the rest, a subconscious action as natural a breathing now.

[OOC: Posted by the GM under the DAYAT Rule.]
Amris follows the halfling to the right along the wagonway eyes darting left and right in the same bird-like agitation that Moli had noticed earlier. Missing nothing and clearly on edge. " I am indeed a long way from home and it is in fact an island in the middle of the ocean. I hope to return there someday soon. I have been away far too long. Compared to this?" he looks around him "it is paradise."

"Moli! You did say that was your name did you not?" Amris doesn't pause for an answer "You may call me Hectorin Tideson, I am a merchant from Cothique. What I think your people call a Sea-Elf. Are we likely to meet any more of my kind on this dock?" He asks earnestly.

Moli shakes her head. "Nah, wrong port. I can guide you to the one, where you can spot Elves sometimes. Make it 5 Pfennig!. We can go after the Three Beards if you want..." Silently, more to herself she adds: "...and we're still alive."

Hectorin shakes his head vigorously "That will not be necessary young Moli. I have no wish to meet any others of my kind if I can avoid it. In fact, quite the opposite I am keen to avoid them as far as possible."

Moli shrugs "Well then you're pretty safe here I guess. Never seen one of your kind around here.."

Amris continues to follow Moli along the Wagonway past the street food vendors, warehouses and shops. "How far is this Three Beards establishment?" he finally asks "I am assuming it to be some sort of public gathering spot for drinking and sport. Is that a fair assessment?"

"It's over there, we need to turn right behind that warehouse. Depends on what you call sport. Drinking yes. For sure." replies Moli pointing to a large warehouse just up ahead.

Amris Acknowledges the information and continues "My informant assures me that it is the place to go if I wish to meet an accomplished thief. Would you agree, you seem to know more about this area than I do?" Moli ponders the question whilst wondering what a shiny elf might need with a thief. "Do you mean a specific person or just a thief in general?" she asks curious secretly studying her palms and trying to appear nonchalant about the question.

Amris chuckles "I'm afraid theft is not something that I have a lot of experience in, so I have no idea who I am looking for or how I might know when I have found him. I was just planning to go to the Three Bears and ask if anyone knew a really good thief. Do you think that will attract the right candidate for the task?"
  [OOC: Secret Observation Test]
  Amris notices Moli as she stares at her palms and wonders what the action might signify. A religious gesture perhaps?

Moli is a bit concerned at how blatantly Hectorin talks about thievery, but feels like she has to grasp the opportunity before it's gone. "Well as fate would have it I know just such a person. Maybe I can save you the time in the Three Beards. Can you tell me what you need of this thief?"

"That would certainly save a lot of time not to mention discomfort." the elf admits "The task itself is rather embarrassing and I cannot justify why one of my kin, even though a follower of Mathlann would behave in such an uncivilised fashion." Amris realises that he is in danger of confusing the halfling with too much information. "I'm sorry that isn't pertinent to the task. Suffice it to say that a fellow elf, a Sea Elf," he adds by way of clarification as if it made some sort of difference "has taken a ring that once belonged to my father and was at the time in the possession of my mother." Amris seems somewhat emotional and pauses to catch his breath "My mother was holding it until I was old enough to inherit, but now it is in the possession of a rival and I need someone to recover it and return it safely to me." He looks down at Moli "And that's about the crux of the matter. I am told that the people with the right skills are called thieves and that I should go to the Three Beards to find one of the right quality."

Moli looks to the side. Part to herself and part to Hectorin she says: "This sounds like an honorable task to do. Bring back something that has been stolen from your familiy! Where is this Sea Elf?"

"Does he stay in Altdorf?" Moli Asks

"Yes! He has a Manse in Altdorf. I assume it will be in the Elven enclave as I can't imagine any Asur no matter how low born living in this sort of place." Amris answers looking around at the apparent squalor.

On the one hand Moli is a bit offended by the Elfs words but on the other hand, she has to admit his greatness and sublimity. She just can't image, that such a creature lives, where she comes from. "Do you have his address? The thief would probably want to inspect the location before telling you if it's doable and what it might cost..." she asks.

"You must know this city better than I and so hopefully know where my people have gathered within it. My rival is from the Goldcrest kindred. They are a powerful sea elf family and so no doubt will be well known amongst the merchant class of the city. I imagine they will also employ a lot of servants who you might find easier to approach."

"I'd like to have a look in the enclave, maybe I'll find the house and get some information for... the thief." Moli puts her hands on her hips and looks up into the symmetrical face of the elf: "I guess you can't come with me? You don't want to be recognized, right? What did you say was the name of the family? Goldcrest? Can you describe, how their crest looks like? Then it should be no problem to find out..."

Amris nods "The Goldcrest is a mythical sea creature. A sort of wurm with a long body and a golden crest and fins. The Goldcrest family usually depict it rising menacingly from the waves to symbolise their families ambition and rise to power. So, you could certainly look for something similar to identify their manse." He pauses as if uncertain "No! I dare not accompany you. I fear they are already trying to hunt me down and it would not be prudent to make it easy for them. I'm sorry but I can assure you there will be a substantial reward for the recovery of my ring."

Moli nods her understanding and wonders what a substantial reward might actually look like. She points to a shabby, skew-whiff building with a small shield on the front. "Let's meet up in this tavern tonight, after dusk. It's the "Crayfish". We can have dinner there and I'll report to you, what I could find out. What do you say? Any additional information that I might need?"

Amris isn't sure about the idea of eating in a human tavern but decides not to make a fuss about it. He is sensitive enough to realise that eating seems to be a major activity for these little creatures. He looks up as there is a commotion from further down the street.

The commotion turns out to be the rest of the Brandysnap clan who have finally caught you up.

"Waddid we miss?" asks Mi-Mi breathlessly as the flower girls descend in a flock on Amris and begin sniffing his robes and making excited swooning noises. "We still going to the Beards?" Moli gives her a sign to wait.

"Hectorin, well meet in the evening, as agreed, OK? Oh can you give me at least a little prepayment, in case you won't show up?" Moli looks wide eyed into the pretty elven face that she finds so fascinating. Amris holds out his hand containing the four silver shillings he carried with him and invites the halfling to take what she needs "Might I ask for one small concession before I leave?" he asks as he drops the coins into Molis palm "I am concerned about returning to this place alone after dark. In fact, I'm not even sure I would find it again. Would it be possible for us to meet at my lodgings?" he asks "That way we will not be overheard and there will be less fuss and bother. I'm sure I can arrange with the servants to provide food and drink."

Moli is exited to hear about servants, food and drinks, grabs the 4 shillings, smiles and says: "Of course! Where is it?" Amris explains where the Drakenhof is located in the Oberhausen District and Moli nods sure that she can find it easily enough. "I'm gonna leave with my sister and we'll have a look for the location you told me about. You can count on me!"

Amris bids the Brandysnap family farewell before making his way back to the Drakenhof along the wagonway this time careful to avoid the tenement district.

Scouting the Elven Compound.

  "So now what?" asks Mi-Mi as Amris walks away out of earshot. Moli puts her arm a round her sister in a conspirative guesture, while they walk down the street. "Mi-Mi! This is so great! I have something to do for the shiny Elf!" Moli answers clearly excited about her new project.

Moli explains the the job to Mi-Mi and the others in a huddle just inside a nearby alleyway "I think the first step is to find this Goldcrest Manse and scout the building. We need to gather all the information we can get. Either we can retrieve the ring today or more likely we'll have to do it tonight! Let's go!" Moli is so exited, she has to calm her self not to run. They head through the muddle of streets and make their way towards Sigmar's Bridge planning to make their way over the Reik to reach the Elven Compound.

Moli and Halamina say farewell to the flower girls at the threshold of Sigmar's Bridge and make their way across the river. The girls are not happy about being left behind but a stern warning from Halamina that 'two's company and a crowd attracts far too much attention' is grudgingly accepted on the understanding that they still get to attend the elves party later.

The Elven Compound is directly opposite the bridge on the far side of the Reikmarkt and extends the full length of Reikmarkstrasse as far as the junction with Hexenstrasse and the location of the Ulthuan Embassy. Moli and her sister agree that the first task is to walk the entire boundary of the complex making careful note of the best point of entry.

For most of it's northern and eastern boundary, the compound is protected by a wall well above the height of a man let alone a halfling. This wall is occasionally broken by the side of one of the buildings but even where this occurs the building facing the street is unbroken by anything other than small thin windows similar to arrow slits.

The Elven Embassy on Hexenstrasse is set back from the road with a well-tended formal garden between it and the street. It looks more like a large manor house than a government building with tall spires and arched windows. Moli has never tried to go inside as the doors are guarded by several elven guards though she has no idea whether they would stop her from doing so.

To the right of the Embassy is the main gate into the compound (A). A tall filigree structure of white and gold that looks almost grown rather than crafted. Through it, Moli can get a tantalising glimpse into the compound along a narrow street lined with elegant houses.

The western side of the compound is more muddled in composition as it cuts through the middle of the market district blocking off streets and diverting around some of the human owned workshops and businesses. Here much more of the wall is formed by the blank sides of elven buildings with the wall merely forming a link between them and in the centre there is a tall impressive tower set into the wall that dominates the area.

The other gate into the compound is just off the Tilean Weg and is through the middle of the elven craft market (B). This building consists of a small decorative courtyard surrounded by the workshops of elven craftsmen and can only be accessed by a small decorative gate that opens onto the main market area. But at the far side is another gate providing access to the courtyard from within the craft market itself. Both gates are guarded by elven guards but non-elves are certainly allowed to enter the courtyard to view the crafts on offer within.

Moli and her sister take the time to walk around the entire complex. While chatting cheerfully to avoid looking suspicious they check out the walls, especially on the west side, where it's near to other houses. They check out every house that is tall enough to oversee the wall. The market area is quite busy and they are constantly interupted by passers-by who would notice anything suspicious. The elves have been quite careful with their wall building, even on the western side of the compound they have left a sizeable gap between their wall and the nearest human building. The closest building to the wall seems to be the stable block opposite the blacksmith's plaza which is only separated from the large elven building opposite by a narrow alleyway. But even that gap must be 6' across and the elven building is both taller and its roof steeply pitched. "We'd never get across that, we'd need to drag a ladder onto the stable roof." admitted Halamina. "be easier just to get a grapple and go over the wall." There were a number of sections of wall on the western side of the compound that were quite short and merely blocked off alleyways which might be quite secluded at night when the market wasn't busy. "It's definitely too busy here during the day, it will have to be done at night." observes Halimna. They search for houses that could possibly be entered or climbed at night, to get over the wall, maybe with a grappling hook.

Finally they enter the craft market to see if there's an opportunity to gain entry to the main complex through its inner gate. The craft market was a bit more hopeful. The two halflings were freely allowed to walk past the guards on the outer gate into the formal garden of the small courtyard with its fountain, pagodas and elven craft stalls offering all manner of decorative jewellery, scent and other luxury items to a mostly noble clientele. The buildings surrounding the courtyard seemed to be workshops and studios where the elven craftsmen worked. Although one or two may have living accommodation above they would likely be deserted at night if the elves ever went to sleep.

"Perhaps we could find a place to hide an wait till they closed for the night?" Halamina whispered as she pretended to study an elven broach. "They might lock us in though and we still need to get out afterwards." Moli nods "Yeah, that's what we'll do!" she whispers.

A cat begins winding itself around Moli's legs purring loudly. "A lot of cats in here." observes Halamina "They must be popular with the elves. Perhaps to keep the vermin out of their homes." Now Mi-mi mentions it Moli also notices that there really are a large number of cats wandering about the courtyard and glancing through the inner gate you can see even more both adults and kittens relaxing or playing in the ornamental garden beyond.

Moli is puzzled "Let's have a look where all these cats are coming from. Now that I've noticed them there seem to be more and more the more you look!" Moli walks around the market and tries to figure out, if there's a reason, why there are so many of them. Moli winks at Mi-mi "Maybe we should dress as cats to get in." Making only half a joke, half serious, Moli also starts looking for cat doors in the walls and gates.

"Or tell the guards we've lost our cat." Mi-Mi suggests "Perhaps they would let us in to look for it."

An Uncomfortable Journey

Date: 31st Day of Pflugzeit, 2512 IC
Time: Noon
Weather: A Bright Spring Day
  Having parted from Moli and the other halflings on the Wagon Way near the junction with the Breichstrasse Amris turns to make his way safely back to the Oberhausen District. Moli has assured him that there should be no other elves in the East End as their boats cannot sail beyond the Three Toll Bridge. But Amris must be wary of being spotted and followed back to the Drakenhof. He also needs to prepare some sort of halfling feast for Moli and her family for tonight when they are coming to the Drakenhof to report on their success in scouting the elven compound and the Goldcrest villa.   Cautious of the risk that the Halflings may be followed back to the Drakenhof, Amris intends to return there, have a feast prepared by the staff, but then take care to have them wait a good while until he has taken steps to have staff check the surrounding area for any strange or suspicious non-locals hanging around.   Gazing in disgusted and wonder at the fetid human alleyways and curious tenements of the Sindelfingen District, Amris decides that there is naught of great interest and nothing to be gained by venturing into the area again and instead opts to travel back to Drakenhof via boat, despite the discomfort he feels travelling in such an open manner.

He makes his way to the nearest jetty and approaches one of the wherry men moored alongside waiting for business.  

"Where to gov?" asks the man touching his cap respectfully to the noble looking elf.


Amris places one hand on his sword, the other on his purse, and ensures the human takes in his full 6’5” imposing Elven frame. “Well, ultimately I must return to the Drakenhof in good time for a feast to be prepared this evening, however, if you could spare the time en route to show me anything of note, or of intrigue, I would be most interested to to see what wonders this City has to offer”

  The boatman scratches his head. "No! idea where the Drakenhof is gov, but if yer wants the full tour of the wonders of Altdorf then yer came ta the right man. Yer can call me 'Prawn' and I'm the best wherry man in Altdorf." He reaches out a supporting hand "Just hop aboard governer it'll only cost yet a shillin."   “My dear fellow, for a shilling I’d be having you at my call for the month, however, for a person of such ambition, I’ll give you your shilling if you’ll agree to enter my employ?” snorts Amris indignantly. The boy laughs at the proposition "Oh! That's a tempting offer I'm sure but I'm a guildsman govener. I works fer meself. Besides I got six wee children to support so I can't afford to gadabout with an elf-lord no matter how much he paid me. Now do yer want this tour or not?"   Amris frowns surprised at the usual cheek of the boatman “With regards to the tour, I would very much like see where the real business in the city takes place, please show me where the goods arrive in this city whenever it requires a more discreet approach, if you understand...”   "Sure thing, just climb aboard an I'll show yer everything." Ehrmann responds whilst still offering his hand to help the elf into the boat. "Thank you indeed, however, I would rather my presence remain discreet, please take any appropriate measures." cautions Amris before climbing aboard the boat.   Prawn waits for his passenger to seat himself and then shoves the wherry away from the jetty and into the river. "Whatever you say gov. Me lips are sealed. Though it ain't every day I get an elf in me boat" In truth, Prawn has little idea what his passenger is looking for or what steps he expects him to take to ensure it, but a shillings a shilling and Prawn is happy to take it from anyoone willing to pay.   As the wherry drifts away from the shoreline the shadows of the buildings along the bank recede and Amris becomes painfully aware of how exposed he is surrounded by nothing but water and nowhere to hide and begins to feel a rising panic but tries not to allow it to overwhelm him as the boatman begins his tour of the city by explaining the local sights.   "Where you came aboard is what we call 'The Old Docks' probably the oldest part of the city. Yer! can imagine the first settlers coming up the river from Marienburg a seeing this place where the Reik an the Talabec meet and thinking that's a good place fer a tradin post and that's pretty much where we are right now." Prawn begins as he sculls the boat into midstream. "Course it's not used much by traders these days apart from a few smugglers o' course, not since the new docks were built. The area this side of the River Talabec is usually referred to as The Eastend, mostly tenements and slums occupied by the lower classes an that high ground in the distance is Crackle Hill where they execute 'em." Ehrmann pionts a the high ground he referrs to but then notices that his passenger isn't paying much attention. "You alright governor yer looking kind of pale."   Amris straightens his back and looks proudly ahead despite the creeping nausea. “Before we head towards my abode, would you be able to say if there were any particularly successful operations being run In the Eastend, any particular groups or individuals that might be looking to do business with no questions asked, more specifically the exchange of coinage for valuable yet hard to trade items?”
[Cool Test = Successful. Amris manages to control his rising panic at being so exposed and in the open.]

Prawn considers the elf's question "I'm sure if you dig deep enough yer'll find every type of 'operation' you could think of in the East End. They reckon yer can buy anything if yer can find the right cove to ask." He frowns at his passenger "I wouldn't try settin up on yer own though if that's what yer finking. There are rules about that sort of thing and few of 'em are pleasant."

Amris swallows hard and manages to control the flutter of panic rising in his stomach whilst trying hard to avoid looking up or to either side of the boat.   Meanwhile Prawn has sculled the wherry across the river and is approaching the opposite bank. Pointing out that this side of the river is mostly taken up with the industrial and commercial districts. But it's also the home of the Dwarven Quarter, a place best avoided unless one has serious business that justifies your visit. "Take me fer instance. I ferry people back and forth in me boat. That's me job an ow I make a living. An I has a badge in me pocket issued by Rivermen's Association that gives me the right ta do just that." he say proudly "Now if I was ta try an ply me trade wivout me badge I'd probly end up taking a dive off the Beloved of Manaan Dock along wiv all the rest who break the rules." he grins at the elf sitting rigidly in the middle of the boat and looking decidedly uncomfortable. "But that's just the way the city works an' at least I know nobody else can muscle in on me trade as long as I has me badge."   “Many thanks for your honest appraisal, much appreciated, now, you seem an honest fellow, would you be interested in earning another silver with a few hours of work this evening? I need someone who could keep a watchful eye for me, you wouldn’t be required to do anything other than to keep watch for a while and most likely naught else”   Prawn gives the elf a searching look "Ain't nuffin dodgy is it?" he asks dubiously, as he steers his boat out of the Talabec and into the main traffic of the River Reik.   Amris tries to allay his fears "Not at all." he assures the boatman "Its that I am making my way back to my lodgings and later I hope to meet with some halflings to discuss some business and I am concerned that they might be followed. If they are being followed I need you to track their followers and tell me where they went. The fact you could follow across water if necessary is a bonus..." The elf made it sound like following people about was the most natural thing in the world, but to Prawn it sounded as dodgy as Ranald's cat.   However, the elf continued "If you agree I will pay you two silver including this voyage, and if the are any followers and you manage to track them, I will pay you another two silver..." Four silver shillings was a whole days income for Prawn and dodgy or not that sort of money was not to be sneezed at "All I require is your time sir, and in any event I must return to my lodgings to retrieve even the initial silver that I owe you, as my business partners had to take the contents of my purse for today, what say you?” concluded Amris   Prawn was tempted but decided to make sure he understood the deal "So you want me to wait fer these halflings to turn up at your lodgings and then follow anyone I see following them?" he asks. He appears to consider the proposition. "What if they ain't being followed. Do I still get paid?"   “Indeed, a silver for the tour, a silver to keep a look out, then if you see anyone following the halflings and can keep track of them I’ll give you another two silver” confirmed Armis.   "Sounds fair enough gov." Prawn replies "I just wait fer these 'alflings to appear and then keep tabs on anyone followin'em and tell you where they go." he summarizes "I reckon I can do that." As far as he knew there was no law in the city against just following someone and four shillings was four shillings.

By now the boat had reached the Three Toll Bridge and Prawn explains that beyond this bridge is the main Reiksport area of the city where ships from Marienburg and all over the known world dock to unload. It also leads to the street of a hundred taverns on this bank and to the Grand Temple of Sigmar to the west. "Did yer want a tour of the Reiksport yer might see some of the elven ships docked there if yer interested." Prawn asks.

The Long Way Home

Amris shakes his head not wishing to risk being spotted and identified by an elf from one of the Elven ships that might be in harbour. "Excellent, I am glad you are willing to assist me. But now, as discussed, I must return to my lodgings, please take me to the 'Mourner's Bridge' so that we may alight and continue on foot thereafter"

"Mourner's Bridge?" queries Prawn aware that it was farther upstream than he expected but decides not to argue "No problem" He swings the boat around and begins to row upstream along the west bank of the Reik under Sigmar's Bridge where Amris had crossed the river earlier until they reach a small pier near 'The Mourners Bridge'.   Prawn brings the boat neatly alongside the Mourners Pier "This where we're meeting your 'alfling friends gov?" he asks.  

Amris glad to be under shelter at last answers “No we will make our way to my lodgings and you will ensconce yourself somewhere close by to keep watch”

  Prawn jumps up onto the pier and pays the security fee to have his boat watched by the old man in the pier watch hut. He then helps Amris out of the boat and they set off past the Shallyan Hospice following the city wall skirting the halfling district and heading towards the grim landmark of Graustein Keep.   The road is pretty clear, even the beggars realise that there are slim pickings to be had on a road so close to the wall and used mainly by the dead and the damned. A Shallyan Priestess hurries past accompanied by a small group of Initiates no doubt heading back to the hospice and a watch patrol appears from the Suderich District and turns south to continue its routine circuit of the prison wall.   Amris and Prawn reach the first major thoroughfare leading from the wall into the heart of the city. Amris can see the main gate of Graustein Keep on the right flanked by two prison guards and in the distance the elegant spires of the Ulthuan Embassy at the corner of Reikmarkstrasse and Hexenstrasse.   The wall street continues south along the back of the prison, curving around the base of one of the cities guard towers. The watch patrol has already disappeared around this bend in the road heading for the junction with Hexenstrasse.   Amris is curious about the grim sight of the prison and decides to approach the guards to query as to whether there are any prisoners of note currently in there, He approaches the two elderly watchmen lounging against the wall either side of the main gate. They eye his approach warily and eventually decide he is actually planning to talk to them, so they begrudgingly slip their pipes into their hatbands and take on a more alert pose.   Amris asks them about the purpose of the keep and whether there are any important prisoners being held within. But the two men seem unsure or unwilling to reveal much. The general opinion seems to be that the important prisoners are held elsewhere and that Graustein Keep is only used to hold those guilty of minor non-capital crimes like theft and debt. Amris thanks them for their time and lets them return to their pipes, before making his way along the wall to the beginning of the Reikmarktestrasse. Here he turns away from the wall and follows the Reikmarktestrasse a short distance until he recognises the side street on the left where he emerged earlier in the day. He was careful to take note of key landmarks at the time and so had little difficulty trace his route back to the Drakenhof.   The route avoided passing close to the Ulthuan Embassy which was his main objective and once clear of the area he used his inherent navigation ability to choose the correct turn into the Oberhausen District to reach the Drakenhof.  

Party Planning

The servant girl opens the door as Amris approaches "Good Afternoon M'Lord" she says her strange bobbing behaviour repeated as usual. Though her eyes are fixed on Prawn who follows Armis into the lobby, Amris pauses, considers the strange servant girl and decides to keep their exchange as simple as possible to try and avoid unnerving the young lady any further.

  “Good afternoon, I would very much appreciate it if a feast were prepared for some halfling associates of mine that will be attending later; where possible I would prefer my own dishes to consist of the freshest fruit, salad and vegetables that you can acquire...” The girl looks a bit shocked "Halflings M'Lord?" she repeats "Err! How many halflings?" she questions clearly concerned.   Amris looks sternly at the servant girl “I would hope at the most two attendees, however there might be a handful more. Please also provide my aide here with some sustenance in due course when I have finished speaking with him” The girl glances at Prawn who smirks at her and then bobs again quickly, mutters "Yes! M'lord" and bustles off to talk with the cook.   Ehrmann watches the girl hurry off and grins at Amris "She's not 'appy. Should I start calling you M'Lord now gov?"   Amris seems oblivious to Prawn sarcastic tone and merely replies “Whilst not a direct translation I would accept that title... Now, I will retire to my rooms in early course, however before then we have business, please wait here while I retrieve your initial payment.” Prawn grins as the elf hurries up the main starway to his room.   Amris returns shortly afterwards having retrieved two silver shillings and drops them into Prawn hand “Here, take these as our agreed initial payment, now I expect the halflings relatively soon, so after this conversation please do attend the kitchens and have some fodder before taking up position outside the property; the gatekeeper should be able to assist with the whereabouts of a position with a good view of the entrance. Once you are in position wait for the halflings; if they have been followed please follow whoever it is that you see tracking them, if they are not followed initially it may be that someone is waiting for them further away so please trail the halflings after my meeting with them." Amris looks at Prawn and notes that he appears to be taking everything in   “So, if you ascertain that the halflings are being followed, you are tasked with, well, following the followers, as it were, and if you do complete this second task, there will be two further silver for you. Finally, it is most likely that any followers would be Elven..." Armis adds. Prawn nods his understanding "Will do M'Lord." he grins and mimics one of the servants bobs before turning on his heel and wandering off in the general direction taken by the servant girl. Confident that his nose will lead him to the kitchens. Free food, a bit of a flirt with the servant girl and how hard will it be to keep tabs on a bunch of elves, they stand out like a princess at a paupers wedding, if only every day was this easy.   Amris watches the boatman wander off in the direction of the kitchens and then heads outside to brief the gatekeeper and make sure he is informed when the halflings arrive. The elderly gatekeeper is sitting in his small hut near the front gate sucking on his pipe as usual. The two guard dogs lounging nearby jump to their feet and start sniffing Amris having become accustomed to being fed juicy slabs of meat everytime he appears but they are to be dissappointed on this occassion.  

“Good evening, might I trouble you to let me know if some halflings arrive looking for me? I have a dinner being prepared for them and some business to discuss.” Amris asks once he reaches the gate. The elderly gatekeeper touches his forehead "Will do M'Lord. Shall I send 'em round the back to the tradesman's entrance M'Lord?'

  Amris considers the suggestion "Indeed, and if you can let the kitchen know when they arrive that will be most appreciated." Amris confirms looking at the gatekeepers pipe curiously "Could I ask, the leaf that you burn, have you tried imbibing without burning? I ask out of curiousness rather than with any criticism..." The gatekeeper looks a bit surprised at the unexpected question "This here is Moot Weed. I buy it from a halfling peddler in Little Moot just down near the river. Can't say I've ever tried chewing it though." He pauses still curious about the reason behind the sudden question "Do you smoke, you're welcome to try some if you'd like?"   Amris is pleased that unlike the maid, the gatekeeper appears to be able to engage in conversation with little apparent apprehension “Many thanks for your kind offer, I will pass for now, my query was purely due to my interest in how our two cultures engage in similar undertakings in such differing manners. Amris then retires to his rooms within the property  

Hunting Cats

Meanwhile, back at the Elven Craft Market, Moli and her sister Halamina are discussing how to gain access to the main compound beyond the guarded inner gate. Halamina has suggested trying to persuade the elven guards that they have lost their cat and ask for permission to go and search for it in the garden beyond the gate.   With a doubtful look Moli turns to Mi-mi "If they care... Well we can try..."   Moli watches the guards at the market still trying to think of an better plan "Those elves have very sharp eyes and ears." She looks for places to hide until they close the market, but finally accepts her sisters idea seems the best and nods to Mi-mi.   Together they approach one of the guards who stands next to the inner gate. "Excuse me, Mylord, we lost our cat, Gandalf is his name. He was around here, when we saw him last time. He's a tabby cat with green eyes" says Moli describing what she hopes is a pretty average looking cat. "Can we please have a look inside? I think he ran this way. We really need him, our beloved granny is sick and she loves Gandalf so much! We don't want to risk upsetting her in her condition." Moli looks up at the guard and gives him the most harmless and heart-warming smile she can manage.   After a protracted debate with the guard involving much pleading, tears and quite a few cat impressions because the guard doesn't speak much Reikspiel. The female guard eventually seems to accept that Moli is genuinely upset and that her cat may just have wandered into the compound. She probably also reasons that it's unlikely that two small girls looking for their cat pose much of a threat anyway. [Bluff Test = Passed] So, she waves them through.   Moli and Mi-Mi step through the second gate find themselves in a paradise of ornamental gardens, small lakes of sparkling water, bird song and flowers. Plus of course cats and with the guard still watching the two halflings make a suitable show of calling for 'Gandalf' and making appropriate cat calls. They soon find they have attracted quite a few.   Halamina makes a big show of searching through the cats as if looking for Gandalf. Whilst at the same time edging further into the compound away from the Guards. "This place is amazing," she whispers to Moli between making meowing noises and loud tongue clucking sounds."Can yer see the place you're lookin for?"   Moli still doesn't fully understand how she made it through the elven guards. Her heart beats stronger as they wander through wonderland. She whispers to her sister "By Ranald's fingers Mi-Mi, we'll never get this far a second time, maybe we should consider changing from a scout mission to actually going for it now! We're looking for a house with a symbol of a golden sea wyrm emerging from the waves!" louder Moli continues her show "Gaaaandalf! Here kitty kitty" She scans the houses that look like a mansion for the symbol as they dive deeper into the complex. Enchanted by the beauty of the buildings, she tries not to stare with her mouth open. "This is the most beautiful place I've ever seen!"   Moli and Mi-Mi continue their fake search for Gandalf accompanied by a small band of curious cats puzzled by the behaviour of these strange visitors to their world. Having moved away from the gate and out of sight of the guard, they look around more freely and take stock of their surroundings.   The compound seems to be more like an ornamental park than a residential district. Paths meander through small patches of woodland and ornamental flower beds and every now and then there are small lakes or ponds some of which have fountains or trickling waterfalls.   The few elves they meet seem to take little notice of the two halflings and any curiosity they do have is quickly dispelled by some further extension of the cat hunting charade. Some elven children did begin to follow them about for a while but fortunately, they were eventually called away by an elder and are now clustered in a gazebo-like structure being given some sort of training.   The park itself is dotted with personal manse's decorated with the heraldry of the family that occupy's them and it doesn't take long to spot the one depicting the Goldcrest described by Amris.  

The Goldcrest Manse

Predicably it turns out to be the largest residence in the compound and is located overlooking the central ornamental lake. It's a roughly circular building the outer walls being plain stone with only small narrow windows to let in the light. If it were taller it might be described as a tower, but it appears to be only two stories high and there are no battlements. The only obvious entrance is an arched tunnel the doors to which are open and at the far end there seems to be yet another pond with a fountain and ornamental shrubs and flowers. There is no sign of any guards on the entrance and the cats are wandering in and out quite freely.   "Gaandalf! Here kitty kitty" repeats Mi-Mi. "Glad those children have gone, they were getting a bit too helpful." She looks at the entrance to the manse before them. "You're right though. This is way too easy. It's a shame we don't know what this ring we're looking for looks like. That guard might be a bit more suspicious the next time. But we could always bring the flower girls along for extra distraction."   Mi-Mi looks curiously down the tunnel and into the Goldcrest Manse. "Should probably take something to show the elf that we can do the job though. Proof of our ability like. Otherwise, it may think we've just been sitting in a tavern all afternoon."   Moli nods her agreement "Mi-Mi, you go hide in that bush, and if you see someone approaching the entrance, you whistle and continue to pretend our cat-search. I'm going in and try to get either the ring or some kind of trophy for the Elf." Moli enters the tunnel and sneaks silently along it towards the garden she can see at the far end. Although sneak is probably an exaggeration as really there is nowhere to hide, but she listens nervously for any approaching footsteps ready to resume her cat hunting charade if necessary.   To Moli it seems as though she has stepped into a painting. The floor feels like sand and is painted to depict a beach. On either side the beach extends for miles in both directions whilst overhead the night sky is full of twinkling stars. It's hard to see where the floor ends and the walls begin and the exit of the tunnel is the only real indication that she is heading in the right direction.   Just beyond the entrance the beach ends and Moli steps cautiously into the water. It was so well crafted that Moli honestly expected it to be wet but whilst the texture under her feet changed she found the floor was still solid but now felt rippled. [Risk Test Passed]   As Moli neared the far end of the tunnel the floor now became more uneven rising and falling like the waves of the ocean and looking down it almost seemed as though Moli could see the seabed beneath her feet as she walked on the waves. Eventually, she arrived at the far end of the tunnel and the water receded.   Moli found that she was standing on the beach of a small island.   A careful scan of the inside revealed that the manse was built around the pond and fountain in its centre. The roof is open above and the apartments of the building surround it at two levels with a veranda edged with a filigree railing of what looks like living wood as the only barrier. Moli can see cats and other small animals wandering about but so far no sign of the owners.   Ahead of her, a set of three steps rise to the grass of the ornamental garden in the centre of which is the pond and ornamental fountain she had seen from the tunnel. Whilst to either side of the beach an arched portal leads to similar steps on the left and right that must give access to the first floor veranda.   Moli's mouth is still open and her eyes shine while she looks at all the wonders in this building, but she tries to pull herself together and concentrate on her search. She decides to take one of the stairs to get to the first floor thinking : "There must be something like a living or sleeping room here"   Moli is irritated about the strange architecture but tries her best to focus on finding something she can take with her that will prove to Amris that she made it this far. As she heads towards the stairs she stretches her neck to look towards the pond in the centre looking for any sign of life.   Moli decides to try the stairs to the left of the small beach and climbs up a short path through a canopy of intricately crafted trees, emerging onto a woodland path that seems to circumvent the pond and fountain in the central garden below. She pauses and peers from behind an intricately painted tree trunk from where she can now see most of the buildings open interior.  

The raised path she was on followed the entire circumference of the building and no doubt rejoined the beach by the steps she had seen on the right of the beach. Below her she could see the central pond and the ornamental fountain in the middle of a garden planted with shrubs, trees and flowers and populated by cats and other small animals.

  Above her trees forming the walls curved inwards creating a canopy under the roof which was open to the sky in the centre and alive with small birds flitting back and forth. Whilst over her head she could see another similar path to the one she was on which followed the same circular route around the building on the floor above her.   On the far side of the building opposite the beach where she entered two flights of stairs led from the floor she was on to the one above and down to the garden below. Whilst between these she could see another portal with stairs leading down into a subterranean space. [Risk Test = Passed] The most surprising thing for Moli was that despite being able to see most of the interior there was an apparent absence of any residents and were it not for the animals and birds the house would appear to be deserted.   The outer wall of the path that Moli is on is broken at regular intervals by arched portals which presumably provide access from the path into the various apartments beyond. The nearest of these entrances is just a few paces away along the path on the left.   Moli leaves the shelter of the trees and begins to make her way towards the first of the arched portals, keeping close to the outer wall so as to avoid being seen from below and trying to force herself not to look at all the beautiful birds above her. The chirping enchants her but she tries to focus.   Moli keeps low and hugs the external wall of the path trying to limit the chance of being spotted from the garden below and hoping that anyone looking across from the opposite balcony will have their view obscured by the leafy balustrade opposite. She creeps slowly towards the first arched portal trying to use every shadow and corner she can find for cover and trying to ignore the chirping of birds and listen instead for footsteps or voices. Her soft hairy halfling feet making no sound on the floor.
  [Risk Test: Failed]
  She is almost at the arch when there is a sudden explosion of noise and activity from the garden below, though crouched low against the external wall Moli cannot see who it might be. It sounds like excited children's voices with a female in charge. Almost at the same time, Moli hears male voices talking on the path above and footsteps heading along it towards the stairs. Moli can't see any of the elves from where she is located and so it's safe to assume that they can't see her at the moment.  

Proof Of Entry.

  Moli's heart jumps as she is startled about the sudden movement from two sides and she is spurred into desperate action. Quickly she flits through the arched portal into the apartment beyond trusting to luck that there are no elves in the room as it seems the only escape from the approaching passers-by. She holds her breath as she looks around for cover conscious that she needs to find something to take with her quickly and then flee from this magic woodhouse before her luck runs out.   Moli has abandoned any thought of finding the ring. After all with so little information, how could she ever hope to find it in this... building... or whatever. There must be some kind of "room" in here where they have chests and wardrobes and writing desks and such things. Moli's clothes are wet from sweat even though the climate is very pleasant in here...   Eventually Moli is satisfied that none of the footsteps she can hear are approaching the room she is in and she calms down enough to take in her new surroundings. The apartement is a large room shrouded in twilight. The only light comes from the firmament of stars shining from the ceiling and the strange map with its glowing lines on the far wall. The centre of the room is dominated by a large table surrounded by high backed delicately woven chairs each of which has a place setting whilst the walls are lined with book cases and small low cabinets with multiple draws.   The room itself is larger than her families apartment but there are no signs of anywhere to sleep or cook. It seems like a terrible waste of space, two whole families could easily live in this room. Moli notes that even the table isn't set for a meal, instead, it seems to be prepared for some sort of academic exercise with each place provided with ink, quill and parchment all carefully marked with the Goldcrest fish monster symbol.   Moli quickly climbs up onto one of the chairs and studies the items on the table. Maybe theres something like a written letter or something that she can take to Hectorin to prove she was here. Maybe it might even help him against his enemy, by containing sensistive or compromising information. She quickly takes a look. If there is nothing she'll maybe just grab a small book or something from a drawer.   However, a quick glance at the table reveals that the parchment laid out on it is blank apart from the Goldcrest mark in the top corner. The bookcases are full of books, but even if Moli could read, the strange elvish scrawl would have meant nothing to her. She climbs down and begins to quietly slide open the draws of one of the nearest cabinets and carefully checks the contents within for anything worth taking.  
  • A delicate writing kit in a rusted iron box.
  • An odd-looking brass hook with some sort of inscription on it.
  • A pouch containing a set of small brown and white balls. Moli has no idea of their purpose.
  • A bone comb.
  • An elegant case containing a tailor's kit with pins and needles, swatches of fabric, scissors, measuring ribbon, fourteen assorted buttons and spools of coloured thread. All of it of good quality and of practical nature. It bears a gilded crest but Moli doesn't recognise it. It looks expensive but the contents rattles whenever she moves it which makes her nervous.
  Nothing in the cabinet she searched seems to be identified with a Goldcrest mark or particularly valuable, although there are several others in the room.   Moli decides that valuables need to be taken to sell. After all, her sisters need to be fed. She quickly puts the comb and the hook into her pocket, then she takes her hat off, sticks the feather into her jacket and stuffs the hat into the tailors kit so it won't rattle so much. If necessary, she'll also put her scarf into it. Then she grabs a sheet of the blank parchment with the Goldcrest badge on it and sneaks back to the door.   It's time to get the hell out of here.
  [RISK TEST=Passed]
  Having emptied the draw of most of its contents Moli stuffs as much as she can into her jacket and pockets including a rolled up sheet of the blank parchment from the table. Then carrying the ornate case carefully under one arm she sneaks back out onto the path and heads back towards the tunnel intent on leaving the building.   Once again Moli hugs the outer wall again in order to keep out of eyesight from as much of the house as possible and makes it to the steps that go down to the beach without incident.
  [RISK TEST= Failed]
  Moli is just about to step out onto the sand of the beach when she hears the sound of approaching voices from the tunnel. Moli peeks around the last tree and confirms that four elven children and their parents are coming down the tunnel towards the beach the children's excited chatter was what warned her of their approach. She quickly looks around for somewhere to hide but the small woodland path to the beach has no alcoves or pillars. The woodland painted walls are smooth and featureless despite the trees and bushes with which they are decorated.
Moli feels her stomach churn as she realizes how close she is to being caught. Fantically, she decides to abandon the elegant little tailors box quickly retrieving her hat and scarf she leaves the box on the stairs, hoping it will act as a distraction to the approaching group. Then she quickly retraces her steps to the veranda and after checking that the garden is now empty she crouches just below the balustrade planning to climb quickly over the handrail and drop into the garden below if the elves decide to climb the stairs.   Moli's plan was now to wait until the group of elves reach the stairs and see the pretty little box and then whilst they are distracted trying to work out why its there she will try to sneak out behind them.   As Moli hoped the elves spotted the strange box sitting at the foot of the stairs where she left it and paused on the beach to discuss it. Moli doesn't understand their conversation but it's obvious that they are puzzled why the box has just been left on the stairs. One of them opens it and begins to inspect the contents as if that might provide a clue as to why it's there.   Moli listens to the elven voices as they ponder the meaning and purpose of the strange box and its contents waiting to see what they decide to do with it and which way they finally decide to go. After inspecting the box for what seemed like an age they eventually decide to take it with them and walk across the beach into the garden. Moli ducks back away from the balustrade and into the tunnel leading to the beach watching as the elves make their way across to the fountain and began to drink.   After quenching their thirst from the fountain in the middle of the garden the elves turn their attention back to the strange box. The three elven children are the first to discover the balls of brightly coloured binding tape included in the kit. They have no idea what it's for but soon discover that it looks pretty if you unravel it and run around trailing it behind you or twirl it around your feet and head.   This game rapidly takes on a whole new dimension when the brightly coloured streamers attract several of the cats to join in chasing the ends of the tape around the garden much to the delight of the children. The whole garden is now rapidly filling up with elves as the six who discovered the box are joined by others from the apartments around the edge of the garden attracted by the sound of laughter and cheering.   Moli crosses her fingers and gives thanks to Ranald as she uses the distraction created to escape through the tunnel. She moves quickly and silently towards the exit trusting to luck that the elves in the garden will be too distracted by the frollicking children to notice her as she makes her escape.
  [Risk Test: Passed]
  Moli walks quickly down the tunnel and back out into the compound garden.
  [Risk Test: Passed]
  Fortunately, No elves entered the tunnel and none of the elves in the garden noticed her leave. She quickly ducks into the bushes to the left of the tunnel entrance where she finds Mi-Mi still crouched and surrounded by cats. Mi-Mi looks up as Moli appears "How'd it go?" "Did you get anything?" she asks stroking a cat that's rubbing against her leg.   Moli stutters a bit in the excitement of trying to explain everything she just witnessed to her sister: "Y.. You won't believe this!" she begins explaining all the wonders she has just seen in the amazing elven home whilste leading her sister back towards the gate to the craft market where they came in. Mi-Mi listens to Moli's story of her adventure within the Elf mansion with ever-widening eyes.   Reaching the gate, both Moli and Halamina pretend to look sad and crestfallen claiming that despite their efforts they had failed find the beloved Gandalf. Halamina had planned to grab a cat and pretend they had been successful, but Moli persuaded her that claiming they had failed had the advantage of allowing them to use the same excuse a second time. So, it was that two very sad halflings that made their way out of the elven compound that afternoon.   Leaving the craft market Moli tells her sister to wait at home for her whilst she heads to the meet with her elven employer. The shiny elf will be most amazed about her success.   On parting with her sister, Halamina's only two concerns were that Moli hadn't mentioned what she took from the mansion or anything about the feast. As she waved her off in the Market place she hoped that Moli hadn't forgotten. The flower girls would be really disappointed.   Moli hurried off keen to hear how Hectorin hopes to get the ring back....  

Interuptions And Unexpected Guests

  Back at the Drakenhof Amris is trying to relax and stay calm in his room. But it isn't long before he is interupted by the servant girl again.  

"Begging your pardon M'Lord but the cook asked me to tell you that she is baking pies for your halfling guests and asks if you know how many there will be." she bites her lip nervously before continuing "Only they tend to eat quite a lot, so the cook says we might need more flour." Clearly the cook has been stressing out over the lack of clarity in Amris' earlier instructions and the servant has been sent to secure more information.


Amris frowned “I would hope to only receive 2 guests but fear we could have as many as six...”


The girl bobbed again "Shall I tell the cook to prepare for six then M'Lord. Better that than leave a halfling hungry I'm thinking." she observed.


“That will hopefully be absolutely fine thank you, will that present any problem?” asked Amris.


"No M'Lord I'll just need to pop to the market for some more flour." The servant girl finally completes her ritual bobbing display and leaves Amris to settle down to wait for the halflings to return and report on their scouting mission. However, he has barely begun to relax when there is another knock on the door of his chamber and he opens it to discover the old gatekeeper standing nervously outside.


"Begging yer pardon M'Lord but there's another one of them....I mean there is another one of your kin asking for you. This one is a lady elf and says that Elyrus Star Sight sent her. I think that's what she said anyway and she has a man with her too."


Amris ponders the information provided by this latest interuption "Hmmmm, tell me, is there a room into which the elves could be shown whereby I could watch them enter without being seen myself, that is, a place where I can be concealed but where I can see them?"

  "Like a spyhole you mean?" The gatekeeper scratches his chin and thinks for a bit "If there is then I don't know about it. I could ask 'em to wait in the hallway at the foot of the stairs you could try a peek at them from the landing but they'd probably see you." Then he slaps his forehead "Wait you don't need a spyhole. I left them standing at the gate, so all you need to do is look out the landing window an you'll see 'em still standin there."   “Why, I thank you for your most sensible suggestion, I will go now and take a look, please wait here for a moment.” Amris heads to the landing and carefully peers out at the two visitors below to both check to see if he recognises them and also to ascertain how they are equipped. He doesn't recognise either of them but the taller female is clearly an elf and judging by the staff strapped to her back some sort of magic-user. Her shorter companion looks like a human and is clearly armed. There is what looks like a crossbow strapped to his back and a helmet hanging from his belt. But he does not seem to be wearing a uniform of any description merely a leather jack and heavy leather boots.

Amris returns to the gatekeeper “Please let them in to my rooms, but as I know them not, keep an eye or ear on the goings on and should you hear any shouting or violence I would ask you to have Ehrmann come to my assistance whilst you raise the watch...”   "Might be better if you meet the young lady in the study M'Lord. Where you met that other gentleman earlier. It's not usual for gentlemen to entertain ladies in their personal chambers in human society. Might start tongues wagging like. I can keep a better eye on things there too."   Amris recognises the sense of the old mans suggestion “That will be fine thank you” he agrees.   The gatekeeper doffs his cap and shuffles off to collect the two guests and show them to the study. As Amris watches out of the window he notices Ehrmann appear in the courtyard below a large half-eaten pasty in one hand and another in his left. He has obviously made his way around from the kitchen to the front gate.   Ehrmann pauses when he notices the two strangers waiting at the gate and exchanges a few words with them before the gatekeeper finally joins them and ushers the strangers into the house. The female elf breezes into the hallway her nose crinkling slightly at the sudden assault of smells that always seem to permeate human habitation. The gatekeeper politely directs her into the study and the man with her ambles in after her his eyes scanning the strange surroundings as he goes.   The gatekeeper then asks them to wait and makes the tedious climb back up the stairs to let Amris know they are ready to receive him. “Many thanks for your time sir, please return to your station at the gate, I will attend to my guests from here.” acknowledges Amris dismissing the gatekeeper to return to his duties.   Amris adjusts his hauberk and sword ensuring both are in place, then holds his dagger in his right hand before using his left hand to draw his cloak across himself, with the intention of covering his person, to conceal the fact he has readied his dagger etc...   Prepared Amris then stealthily makes his way down the stairs towards the study and pauses to listen for conversation between the two strangers before his immediate presence is noted. He can hear the steady clump of heavy boots on the carpet and then a female voice snapped "Do stop pacing up and down you are making me nervous."   "Never met royalty afore, d'ya fink he'll be wearing a crown?" was the man's reply.   "I certainly hope not. It will be hard enough keeping him hidden as it is without that to hide as well. Anyway, he hasn't been crowned yet, so he won't have a crown." replied the female elf.   "What do I call him then?" asked the mans voice.   "Don't call him anything. In fact, don't say anything. Let me do the talking. You won't understand us anyway. Just stand still and try to look intelligent." snapped the elf.   Upon hearing the nature of their conversation Amris relaxes, replaces his dagger in its sheath, throws his robes back over his shoulders in a more regal fashion, then strides into the study and addresses the visitors. “You are unexpected visitors, tell me, what business brings you into my presence?”   Amris enters the room and the conversation stops abruptly both guests turning to greet him. The man stiffens to an awkward imitation of what might have been mistaken for a soldiers pose were it not for the huge grin that he seems incapable of controlling. The female elf performs an elegant curtesy.  

"Ni veren an le ñovaded" she says in greeting before switching to Tar-Eltharin to introduce herself and her companion. (Tar-Eltharin) "Your Royal Highness. My name is Eilwyn Sumiattus of the Asrai, daughter of Gravgaith of the Eonir kindred." She gestures towards her human companion (Tar-Eltharin) "This is Waynn Dakath my servant."


Waynn doesn't understand a word she said but recognises his name and Eilwyn's gesture towards him and grins even wider than before showing a wide mouth of large white teeth. He nods respectfully.

  (Tar-Eltharin) "Your highness, we are here at the behest of my master, Lord Illyrius Starsight, to escort you to a place of safety."   “Aldo! Lend-and?” replies Amris raising both arms in a regal gesture, then also switches to Tar-Eltharin for the benefit of his guest.   (Tar-Eltarin) “May I enquire as to the reasoning behind your proposed relocation as I am beginning to think that it would be wiser to look to take control of my destiny rather than continue to hide in the shadows”   Tar-Eltharin) "Your highness, I do not pretend to understand the full intricacies of your situation. But I am told that you are being hunted by those who wish you ill and forgive me but you appear to have very little protection here." Eilwyn paused and appears to be considering how best to proceed. (Tar-Eltharin) "My master tells me that your enemies are seeking you by many means both physical and magical and not just you but your saviour the young noblewoman who secured your freedom. I understand she is from the Drakenburg Kin and they hunt her as we speak. Fortunately for her, she does not have a spiritual aura and so is not easy to find even Lord Illyrius has no idea where she is currently located. But your enemies have dispatched agents to search for her on the Drakenburg Estate and will undoubtedly turn their attention to this house eventually whether or not they capture her there."   Her voice takes on a grim tone (Tar-Eltharin) "It is only a matter of time, your highness, and when they come you cannot be here."   Amris draws his breath in (Tar-Eltharin) ”I must say I do concur with your assessment, however I must take action to avoid becoming a pariah. In any event, please do tell me what your proposed course of action is so I can consider my next move.”   (Tar-Eltharin) "Your Highness, the basic problem must be that this house is known to be owned by the Drakenburg family. Therefore, we must move you to a location which is not so obvious to your enemies. That will hopefully frustrate those who are seeking you through merely physical means. Lord Illyrius is doing his best to counter the magical invocations being employed by your enemies agents. He has employed false targets including myself and even corrupted the ley lines to try and confuse your pursuers. However, he cannot negate your aura and in this part of the city it is rare enough to be easily visible. Until we can find some way of masking it I suggest the best way to hide a tree is in the middle of a forest. I propose we move you to somewhere like the Westenstrasse close to the magic colleges of man. That way you will be harder to spot amongst the chaos of human aura's."   Amris considers the elfs explanation (Tar-Eltharin) “Whilst I find your proposal entirely logical, please do confirm whose suggestion this is, am I being placed under the direct protection of Lord Ilyrius?”   (Tar-Eltharin) "My understanding is that you are under the protection of Lord Ilyrius, your highness. Though I believe that he is acting on instructions from your mother the Princess."   Amris eases slightly as he relaxes with the knowledge that the visitors are more likely than not being truthful and acting in his favour. (Tar-Eltharin) “Your story suggests we are well met, indeed, it is a most important time in the beginnings of my courtly endeavours, and if you and your associate assist me in both escaping danger and recovering the stolen item that is the key to settling this dispute there will be more than apt reward as part of my formal retinue."   Amris broadens his shoulders and places his hands on his hips (Tar-Eltharin) “There are a small party of Halflings due to arrive with news of the whereabouts of the stolen item, when we have spoken to them, my thoughts are to move to the safer area before immediately taking action to recover the item before dealing with my errant sibling and vile step-father; they will be put in their place.”   Eilwyn looks concerned (Tar-Eltharin) "Lord Ilyrius mentioned nothing about a stolen item, Your Highness, or halflings. When are you expecting them?"   (Tar-Eltharin) “They will be here presently, I am minded to wait for their report before leaving in order that I might take steps to remedy my situation as soon as possible.” Amris answers.   (Tar-Eltharin) "This item that has been stolen. Why is it so important?" asks Eilwyn.   (Tar-Eltharin) “It is a matter of honour more than the object having a particular intrinsic value, Please, are you instructed to enter my service or merely to assist me in travelling.” Asks Amris clearly not used to having his instructions questioned.   (Tar-Eltharin) "Your Highness! I am of the Asrai and my servant is a subject of the Empire. As such we owe you no fealty. I am here at the behest of my master Lord Ilyrius who in turn is acting on the instructions of your mother the princess. My instructions are to take you to a place of safety and that is all." she smiles apologetically (Tar-Eltharin) “Having said that if this object you are seeking has such 'sentimental' value I'm sure Waynn and I can delay our mission until you have recovered it. My only concern is that your enemies may find you before these halflings."  

Sensing the tension Amris seeks to acknowledge the compromise (Tar-Eltharin) "Indeed, I very much look forward to properly making your acquaintance and learning more of the wood dwellers. I propose that we wait to hear from the Halflings before making for the safer area, thereafter we can ascertain if it possible to retrieve the item that I seek; should this all come to pass I hope to become a friend of the Asrai. May I just enquire as to the reason that you have come here now, is it because Lord Ilyrus is aware of a specific imminent threat, specifically, is there a real risk that I am to be sought here in the coming hours?"


Eilwyn is not sure that the Prince understands the danger he is in (Tar-Eltharin) "I am here because I was instructed to escort you to a place of safety by Lord Ilyrius. You are exposed here, your highness. This area of the city is largely empty of magical aura's which means that we elves are easier to track and this house is known to belong to your rescuers."   She pauses to reflect on the situation. (Tar-Eltharin) "When I last spoke with Lord Ilyrius this morning he informed me that your enemies were focussing their attention in the west and seeking your and your saviour on the Drakenburg Estate. Lord Ilyrius is hampering that search as best he can as the longer they focus on that area the better. However, we must not become complacent. The Goldcrest kindred are a powerful force within the Empire and wield considerable influence both within the merchant class and the Imperial nobility. They have already lodged a formal diplomatic complaint against House Drakenburg for theft and the kidnapping of the Crown Prince of Caldedor and they have the influence to mobilise considerable support to their cause. Sooner or later someone will inform them of this house and it will take them little time to send someone to investigate this house and the source of the strange aura emanating from it. When that will be is difficult to predict it may even have happened already. The servants after all know the nature of their master."


Waynn meanwhile is becoming rather bored. Since his initial introduction, he has understood nothing of the long flowery conversation going on between Eilwyn and the Prince and he wonders why Elves always seem to talk so much. Is it really because they have much more to say than men?


Or perhaps it just takes much more time to say something in elvish than Riekspiel. He glances out of the window where he can see the old gatekeeper and the man with the pasties. The pair of them are eating now as they guard the gate. Waynn feels his stomach rumble and wonders if Eilwyn will agree to a detour through the market on their return trip.


(Tar-Eltharin) “Well, I will be ready to move as soon as I have discussed the situation with the Halflings." Amris looks to Waynn and then addresses both his guests in the common tongue “Please do avail yourselves of refreshments before we travel.”


Eilwyn waves her hand dismissively (Tar-Eltharin) “If that is your wish your highness. But, Waynn and I shall leave immediately and continue our distraction role elsewhere. We shall return later once your halflings have reported." With that Eilwyn bows once more and signals to Waynn to wake up.

  (Common) "Come Waynn we are leaving."  

Amris nods respectfully in appreciation of Eilwyn's bow and gestures towards the door (Tar-Eltharin) "Many thanks for your time, I look forward to seeing you in due course."

  (Tar-Eltharin)"And I you, Your Highness." Eilwyn replies and then turns to her companion. (Common) "Come we are leaving," she announces and walks towards the door. Waynn follows nodding politely to Amris as he follows Eilwyn out of the house and back towards the street.   Alone again in his chambers, Amris watches out of the window as the female wood elf and her companion walk across the courtyard and out of the gate. Shortly afterwards he notices the servant girl return carrying a basket of groceries from the MarketPlatz at the end of the street. She stops briefly to talk with Prawn and the gatekeeper before heading off to the kitchen.   [Observation Test]   There is nothing unusual to observe from the window. The streets here are rarely very busy, which might make it awkward for anyone trying to watch the house. Amris has an overwhelming sense that he must take action soon, both in keeping safe (if his recent visitors are to be believed) and also to retrieve the ring, which will protect his position and allow him to reach some settlement with his sinister family...   Amris gazes out of the window and hopes that his halfling contacts provide some actionable information.  

The Halfling Returns

Moli made her way excitedly along Reikmarktstrasse and after a few enquiries found the Drakenhof where the elf was staying. There were two men guarding the gates with pasties in their hands.


"You one o'them halflings the master is waitin on." asks the younger one as she approaches "Hope you wasn't followed did you wander about a bit afore comin here?"


Moli looked over her shoulder but couldn't see anyone else in the street. She felt a bit awkward for not thinking of this risk herself but tries not to let on. "Of course I did, do you think I'm a bloody amateur? Now let me in, we have business to do, the high elf lord and me..." Moli stretches her neck to look through the windows. Maybe Hectorin had alerady seen her.


Prawn's eyebrows rise at the affrontery of the lowly little halfling, but he doesn't argue. Though his response has lost its humorous tone. "Karl will show you where to go." he says sharply, indicating that Moli should follow the elderly man standing with him.


"Follow me, young miss." says Karl leading Moli off towards the side door to the mansion.


Moli realizes, that, while ashamed of being naive, she answered a bit too aggressive to Prawn. But since she doesn't expect to see him again very soon, she just ignores his offended facial expression. While she followes Karl, she asks him "Did the elf wait long?"


"The Elven Lord has been here since early afternoon. We were not expecting you before dinner this evening. But I'll get the maid to ask if his free." With that, Karl leads Amris through a side door into the Kitchens where a cook and her staff are busy baking pies for tonight's feast.


Karl introduces you to one of the servants "This is Hildi. She's the Elven Lords chamber maid" he turns to Hildi "Hildi this is ...Oh! I'm sorry I don't know your name miss."


"My name is Moli. Nice to meet you".


The maid smiles at the little halfling girl "I'm Hildi. The Elven Lords maid. Why don't you wait 'ere Moli and I'll tell the Lord you want ta see 'im." She turns to leave "'Elp yerself to a pasty I'm sure the cook won't mind." With that, she disappears into the depths of the house leaving Moli alone in the kitchen surrounded by the delicious smell of freshly baked pies.


"Uuuuh yes, thank you!" Moli, excited about a fresh tasty pasty grabs one and sits down and nibbles it whilst she waits for the maid to return. After all, if the cook won't mind if she eats one of them, he will most likely not mind if she eats two... or...

Moli quickly waits until the maid is gone, then grabs another pasty and puts it in her pouch. "Hmmm... life is good today, filled with successes!" she thinks to herself.


Meanwhile, Hildi the servant girl knocks on the door to Amris chamber and waits for permission to enter. Amris calls politely through the door “Please enter...”


"M'lord there is a halfling called Moli in the kitchen asking to see you. Shall I show her through to the study?"


“Please do show the Halfling to the study, also please could you ask the boatman to attend as I will also have need of his services. Many thanks” The servant girl does her usual bobbing routine and leaves the room hurrying back down to the kitchen to collect Moli and lead her to the study.


It takes a few minutes for Moli to finish her current pasty but Hildi eventually leads her through the lower levels of the mansion to the study just off the main hallway. The room is much bigger than Moli's home and covered in rich wood panelling with more books than Moli has ever seen in the same place at the same time.

  There is a desk with a richly padded leather chair and lots of intriguing items on it many of which actually look valuable. "Just wait here Moli. The master shouldn't be long and I'll be back in a minute." and with that Moli finds herself alone as Hildi rushes off to collect Prawn.   After about ten minutes of waiting Hildi returns, somewhat breathless with the young long-leg from the gate. She shows him into the study and asks him to wait before rushing off again presumbly to get her master.   Prawn stands awkwardly just inside the study door his eyes wandering around the room taking in all the strange sights. "'Ow! the other 'alf lives." he whispers ignoring the halfling in the room.  

Moli looks at Prawn."So... my name is Moli." She says politely trying to make a new start. Moli walks right to him looks up to him, offers him her hand, smiles and says: "Nice to meet you. No offense about that earlier. You just caught me on the wrong foot!"


Prawn wipes his hand on his breeches before taking Moli's gently and shaking it. "Names Praunheim, Ehrmann Praunheim. Most people call me Prawn. Member of the boatman's guild and I own me own wherry, she's moored down at the Mourner's pier, ten footer."

  Moli wasn't sure if Prawn was trying to impress her or just put her in her place. But clearly, Prawn is a member of the trading class of the city and doing alright for himself.   The servant girl now rushes up stairs and knocks softly on the door to Amris' chamber. "The halfling and the boatman are awaiting you in the study. M'Lord." she calls through the door.  

Amris retrieves a silver coin from his belongings (he is rather enjoying the feeling of becoming embroiled with the various humans in the city and understands they seem to be driven by a thirst for these gold silver and brass tokens)

  Amris then addresses the servant in a courteous manner "Many thanks, please do come in..." He thanks the servant for her time and passes her the silver coin before waiting to be taken to the study.   Hildi's eyes open wide with ill-disguised shock as the elf drops the silver shilling into her palm. Then she snaps her hand shut quickly before he can change his mind and bobs several times before mumbling her thanks and leading Amris to the study.  

Amris enters the study and Hildi asks if he has any further instructions. "I do." Says Prawn with a grin "Can we have three more of those excellent pasties?" Hildi glares him, sticks her nose in the air, and ignores the instruction.


As Moli sees Amris, she shouts out in exitement: "Hectorin! There you are! I have to show you something! It's all running well!" She moves to him and whispers: "Is it ok if the boatman hears my news?"


Amris smiles politely and greets Moli, then looks to Prawn and addresses him "Ehrmann, I just need to speak privately with Moli for a short amount of time, if you could avail yourself of some further food in the kitchens then return after a short while so we can discuss the next step in our business together?"


Ehrmann glances at Moli but says nothing "Sure thing Gov." he acknowledges and then takes Hildi's arm and leads her out of the room and back towards the kitchens.

  Moli waits until they are gone and then plunges excitedly into her report "So, about our plan." her words are pouring out in an excited babble "The thief has found the mansion and was inside the building! As a proof he gave me this." She theatricaly unrolls the parchment with the Goldcrest symbol on it. While doing this, she inspects Amris face for reactions.   "He will need an exact description, where he can find the ring. He told me the house looks like this:" She adds quickly describes the layout of the mansion as she remembers it "When should the thief retrieve the ring? Tonight?"  

Amris notes the Halfling is clearly very keen and excited and reacts accordingly, making it appear that he is impressed with the incursion into the compound. "Well, your thief has clearly been able to enter the correct compound, that is a good start."


"With regards to the ring that I need you to recover, it is an impressive item, I would expect it to be on display for all to see. It is quite remarkable, in the shape of a coiled dragon made of gold with a blue inlay and diamonds depicting the eyes and head. I believe that tonight would be a good night to attempt to retrieve the ring, and I must say, if you do retrieve the ring, you will be doing me a great service. If you recover the item and bring it to me, I will reward you not only financially, but also make you a part of my retinue, for I am a prince of the sea Elves and I would like the ring as it is a family heirloom, and I infer from you that you understand how important family is."

  Moli nods enthusiastically her mind a whirl with notions as the elf continues "My plan is to draw the Elves from the compound by bringing them here to seek me, whilst at the same time I go to a safer venue with my wood Elf companion, who is due to return here in short order." Amris takes a more serious tone and rests his hand on the Halfling's shoulder. "Moli, this is my plan, you are a key player in this matter, and if you succeed you will be known as a member of the retinue of a sea-Elf prince, rewarded accordingly, and famed throughout the Moot."  

"Firstly, I will leave this place this evening with Eilwyn the wood-Elf and her companion, Waynn, but I will be telling the servants that I am due to return, even though this is not the case - the reason for this is because I want the Elves that mean me harm to come here from the compound, which should make it easier for your thief to retrieve my ring." Moli nods trying to look serious and professional.

  "Your role is to return to the surrounds of the compound and await your opportunity to enter and retrieve the ring, once you have the item you must seek Ehrmann the boatman at his spot by the water, he will know where to seek me." Explains Amris.   "Are we agreed, if so please seek Ehrmann in the kitchen and have him explain where to meet him once you have retrieved the ring, and please do avail yourself of the food being prepared by the cook in your honour! Once you have spoken to Ehrmann please send him to me before making your way back to the compound in time to retrieve the ring this evening - I hope to create a diversion for you to make your job all the easier." Amris pauses trying to make sure he hasn't forgotten anything. "Please also pass me the parchment you retrieved from the compound, this may well provide the distraction I was hoping for."   Moli is absolutely in heaven after hearing what the elf promises her. Becoming a courtier in his retinue! This day gets better and better, it's maybe the best day in her life so far! She isn't able to hide it in her facial expression, she grins from ear to ear. "Amazing! I would be deeply honoured, to become a member of you retinue!" Now it's important, not to screw this up. She decides it's time to make something clear.   "I didn't want to give that away in first place but now I think I can tell you: It was me, who entered the mansion. I am the thief of this parchment. And I'm gonna go in tonight and get your ring!" Admits Moli like a magician who has just produced a rabbit from a hat she pauses for applause and hands him the parchment. "So now mister shiny elf, Sir, please tell me exactly what you know about the mansion and where I could find the ring. Even if you've never been there, you'll probably know more about it, than me. You know, I'm only used to these kind of buildings." Moli guestures around her "And the mansion was very strange and foreign to me with all the beach inside a building things, you know? So can you help me here?"  

Amris considers the halflings question carefully "Well, as you have highlighted, I have never visited this place, however, the ring will hopefully be made available to all to see it, and if that is the case, it should be in the main room, which should be in a central position, potentially with an open roof?"

  Amris looks at the parchment "Many thanks for passing me the parchment, I will send a message to the compound on this paper, to be delivered before you enter the premises, and hopefully many of the elves will leave the area looking for me."   Moli likes the con trick that the elf is planning. "Uh-hu... Well there was a pond with a fountain in the midddle, I don't think it will be there... But I'll have a look." she explain,then asks "When will we have the feast?" Moli is a bit hungry already...   “Please feel free to go to the kitchens now if you can’t wait for food and please send Erhmann here whilst you’re on your way”   Moli is a bit disappointed about the elfs answer, since she was promised a feast for the whole family. But the hope of becoming a member of the elfs retinue quells her disappointment. "My sisters will be here in the evening, but according to our plan, I won't be able to attend the feast."   Moli picks up her things "I'll be off now and prepare the thievery tonight." with that farewell she leaves Amris in the study and makes her way back to the kitchen. Moli arrives in the kitchen just in time to find Ehrmann flirting with Hildi. He's decided she isn't so bad once she stops being snooty. They both stiffen when Moli walks in and Moli tells Ehrmann the Prince wants to see him before grabbing a whole armful of pies and disappearing out the servant's entrance and leaving the Drakenhof makes her way back to the poor quarter.   Meeting Mi-Mi she hands her the bag of pasties telling her to share them with the others and that they should all attend the Drakenhof that evening for the feast. Then she explains the plan for this evening to Mi-Mi. "Maybe you should come with me this time. I might need your help. Maybe one or two of the other girls too. If I can manage to become member of the elfs court, this will surely help the whole family!"   Mi-Mi is very excited at the prospect of visiting a Lord's house and the idea of all the food. She shares the pasties amongst the flower girls and quizzes Moli about what it's like inside such a big house.  

The Prince and the Boatman


Ehrmann rolls his eyes at Hildi and makes his way back to the study tapping on the door before entering. "The 'alfling said yer wanted ta see me Gov?"


"Indeed so." Replies Amris turning to face the boatman. "I just wanted to say that I am very happy to have you working with me, and that I have some more work for you to conduct on my behalf. I need you to help me in being a go between for myself and the halflings. I will be leaving here this evening, and I will need you to be a line of communication between myself and the halflings after tonight. Are you happy to assist?


Ehrmann ponders the proposal "That wasn't part of the deal gov. I said I'd make sure the 'alflings weren't followed and if they were I'd try and find out who it was. But the 'alflings bin and gone carrying a mountain of pies an' as far as I can tell nobody followed 'er. What yer askin' me ta do now is extra an' I've got a business to run. Me boat don't row itself yer know. You'd af ta make it worth me while like."


Amris looks surprised "My dear sir, of course you will be compensated, I fully accept I will have to recompense you accordingly. And indeed, my request now means that you can return to your vocation in transporting persons upon the water, but I ask only that you provide a place for us to meet you at your work, so that messages may be passed through you. And, if you are interested, when my business is complete, I can bring some sea trade business your way if you so desire it?"


Amris hands Ehrmann the silver he promised on completion of his initial task "I would ask that you accept your payment now, and take a further silver a week purely to go about your business as normal. Albeit that that I can call upon you from time to time to pass and receive messages and items between myself and my associates?"


Whilst waiting for Ehrmann to respond, Amris takes the scroll with the Goldcrest motif that Moli had provided and quickly writes a message on it Elvish: "The true heir will arrive and reside at the Drackenhof for this evening only before moving on to make an important alliance, take action now, I will make contact and reveal myself in due course for my reward. [signed] A Friend."


Ehrmann looks confused but takes the money and the note. "So, who do I deliver this too?" he says looking at the mysterious scrawl without being able to read it.


“Well, if you know where the compound it came from is please do take the note, otherwise I will have the staff organise it."


"Wot! You mean where Moli stole it from?" Prawn replies impishly before answering. "Yes! I know where Elf Town is, but do I just give it to one of the guards and do you want me to wait for a reply?" he asks

  Amris smiles "Good! That's settle then. Is there a place we can use as a meeting point from time to time if I need to contact you?"   Ehrmann considers the question "Well yer know where I ply me trade on the Old Docks. I'll either be on the 'Beloved of Manaan pier' or in 'The Broken Bottle' just up the dock a way. Unless o'course, I have a punter, in which case I could be anywhere." he adds with a grin and glance around the study.   Amris nods “Many thanks my good man, Just pass the note to one of the Elven guards, or have someone else do so. There is no need to wait for a response.” Prawn tucks the letter into his jacket "Sounds simple enough." he turns towards the door "Was there anything else before i get back to work?"  

"Not at all, many thanks for your time good sir, I look forward to counting on your service in the coming weeks and months" replies Amris, happy now the plan is in motion, and hoping that the diversion draws as many elves from the compound as possible, hopefully giving Moli and her companions the opportunity to retrieve the ring.

  Amris will now make haste to leave with Eilwyn as soon as possible and will use Ehrmann to correspond with Moli thereafter. Ehrmann touches his forelock and having taken his payment and the letter leaves on his mission. Whilst Amris returns to his rooms and packs his possessions in order to be able to leave as soon as his new companions return. He tries to hide his activity from the servants as much as possible as he intends to advise them that he will be returning in the early hours of the morning. If the servants do not catch on, he plans to pass his possessions to his new companions and meet them outside after informing the staff that he is leaving for a few hours on urgent business but will return forthwith.  

The Best Laid Plans

  Moli describes the Drakenhof and its location to Mi-Mi and encourages her to see what its like for herself that evening.   "Sadly I'm not gonna be there, because I'll have to follow my elven master. I won't tell you where, to protect you from being questioned. There maybe come some more elves, asking after the master and searching for him. But they're not our friends, so don't tell them anything. Pretend you don't know what they're talking about. They might start getting angry, so be prepared for a fight just in case. Tell the girls to bring slings and knives and put on the thick leather vests that granny made them. And make sure Fat Mathilda is with you if you can, she'll be most helpful in such a sitiuation" Moli winks to Mi-Mi as they both know her crotch-headbutts already put more than one man to the ground.   [Note: 'Fat Mailtda' turned out to be the rather large female halfling who owned a bakery business in the poor quarter and supplemented her income as a fence for the local thieves guild.]   "I'll need two of the sneakier ones tonight. We'll have to get into the elvish-wonder-house again. We need to find a special ring." Moli tells Mi-Mi what Amris told her about the ring. "Oh, and before I forget it, here's some coin for the time I'll be off." She hands Mi-Mi two silver shillings. "Now let's get it on!"   Mi-Mi looks confused "Why can't we all go to the big house stuff ourselves stupid and then go back to the elven place and get this ring together. If nothing else me and the flower girls can distract the guards. As for Fat Mathilda I don't think we need her in on it. Just more mouths to feed." she says pocketing the two shillings.   Moli tries to explain the intricacies of the plan again "Well the good elven lord wants to use the Drakenhof as a distraction and make the elves from the compound search for him there. So we will need to do the thievery at the same time!" she explains "If we go to the Drakenhof first, we probably won't get off in time before the bad elves come. We need to avoid being caught before we do the job." Moli adds "But those sisters that won't aren't taking part in the thievery can still profit from the feast of course." Moli's head aches, from trying to remember the plan herself and not forget anything.   Mi-Mi listens her eyes widening "So, this caper is going down now?" she looks shocked. "We aren't waiting until after the feast when it's dark?"   "An you want me to go to the elves house with the flower girls." Mi-Mi adds.  


Please make all future posts to Session 1: The Flight Of The Dragon.

Rewards Granted

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Amris managed to recruit a thief willing to recover The Dragon Ring Of Ascension.
  • Moli negotiated a feast for her entire family as part of the deal. (+1 Good)
  • Moli successfully scouted the Goldcrest Manse and obtain proof of entry to show to Amris.

Character(s) interacted with

In order of Appearance

  Molrella Brandysnap
Amris Emberfell
Halamina (Mi-mi) Brandysnap
Ehrmann Praunheim
Hildeburg Bruhns
Karl Wenneman
Eilwyn Sumiattas
Waynn Dakath

Created Content

The Three Beards
The Dragon Ring of Ascension

Making the Rounds
Report Date
29 Jun 2021
Primary Location

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