Session 0: Kindred Spirits - Gunnar's Story Report

General Summary

28th Day of Nachexen, 2507 IC Aubentag (Levyday)
Time Early evening shortly after dusk
Weather Dark Clear Night, Light North-Easterly Breeze

The Lady with the Big Hat

'The Crooked Hammer' was a slightly seedy, rough-looking tavern in the Teubrucke District of Ubersreik. It is a dark dimly lit place even during daylight and at night the taproom is only lit by a few cheap rushlights and the hearth behind the bar.   Gunnar is sat at his usual table in the darkest corner of the room nursing a tankard of cheap watery ale. He had chosen this tavern and table because it was so dark and quiet. Nobody usually bothered him here now.   He had been lured here by stories of a monster. Tall tales from the river folk along the Teufel of a large river troll lurking around the docks of Ubersreik and preying on unwary boatmen and stevedores.   But Gunnar had been here for days now and no monster had shown itself and the trail had eventually gone cold. Now he was running low of cash and this would be his last tankard of ale tonight.   Gunnar sat in the dark cupped his tankard and contemplated his fate.   Suddenly the door banged open and a tall thin figure was briefly framed in the light from the street. She stepped inside and slammed the door firmly shutting out the light and the breeze from the river with its strong smell of fish.   “She has a really big hat.” Roranfina whispered quietly tugging lightly on Gunnars arm to get his attention. [OOC] For clarity Roranfina Ulnvasdotr was the name of Gunnar's daughter.   “Aye lass,” Gunnar burped out “It’s how humans work out their rank! ‘Suppose bigga tha hat means bigga tha ‘Ed an mare brains. Never works like that tho!” All that comes out in a whisper like boulders falling!   [ooc] Is there actually anyone with Gunnar or is he imagining Roranfina? GM Gunnar is alone.   Roranfina giggles at the thought of the silly Umgi competing with each other to wear the biggest hats they can balance on their heads. 'That's a fib taad. If it was true their Rik would never be able to stand up.' she chuckles and gives Gunnar a playful shove her fingers tickling his side and making him squirm. She knew all his ticklish spots.   Gunnar squirms, then shrug's and almost sends the table skidding across the bar, but is of sound enough wit to maintain a hold of his stein. Then glares around daring any to comment!   The sound of Gunnar kicking the table made the woman at the bar start. She stares over at Gunnar her face puzzled. She looks a bit nervous.   As she turns to look in your direction shadows detach themselves from the darkness behind her, silent. Two maybe three shorter than her but heavier too. 'She don't see them taad.' whispered Rori   [OOC: Observation Test: No penalty for darkness] Observation: 1d100<28   The barman hands the girls her drinks. She downs the two double shots in a single gulp and turns to chat to the barman.   "Hey Barman!" Gunnar loudly states "Will you stop makin' mooncalf eyes at the fancy lass an' git me a beer! And you lass! mayhap you should look around ya!" he indicates the rest of the bar with an emphasis on the moving shadows. "Sum 'ere might try 'n tak advantage of a lonely fancy dandy!"   The barman looks embarrassed but reaches under the bar for a fresh tankard and begins to pour Gunnar another ale. The girl glances in your direction again but has already downed two shots and looks pretty relaxed. Two untouched tankards sit on the bar waiting for her attention.   [OOC: Observation Test: Failed -4 SL Gunnar's night vision is partially obscured as a result of looking into the light around the bar. The shadows beyond deepening.]   The girl in the big hat picks up her two tankard's of ale and walks over to the slayer's table considering his comment as a challenge to get legitimacy and in just he mood for some verbal sparring. Her tankards were held in her left hand she places them carefully on the dwarf's table uncatches the buckle holding her dagger to her belt and rests it firmly on the table before her the handle resting lightly on her open palm the blade pointed down and in her direction.   What little light there was gleamed on the chips scattered along the edge of the blade proving to anyone that it had been well used. It was something she stressed should never be ground out, as it catches other blades that it parries.   "Does this look dandy to you?" She asked a cocky look on her face.   The dwarf glances at the dagger placed on the table "Bah!" he growls to himself. but looks up and grins at the woman sitting opposite "So then lassie you're about the most interesting person to walk into this shit hole."   The barman walks over with the dwarf's fresh tankard of ale and glances with concern at the exposed blade on the table between them. "Calm down man! Don't get you'sen' in a twist," Gunnar knows the rule about no drawn blades in the Crooked Hammer, but the barman accepts the warning and doesn't try and push it.   Gunnar turns back to the woman "This is my current favourite shit hole! And the beer isn't piss either, not Dawi but not piss!" he says loud enough for the retreating barman to hear. In fact, by dwarven standards (perhaps even human standards the ale in The Crooked Hammer is watered down rubbish, but Gunnar is prepared to give the barman an occasional pat on the head to keep him sweet.)   "So then..... watcha 'ere fer?"   SESSION END

Rewards Granted

Character(s) interacted with

Salundra von Drakenburg 
Gert Hunder

Making the Rounds
Report Date
25 Oct 2020

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