Session 1: The Call to Heros Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Session 1: The Call to Heros Report

General Summary

Campaign Diary!   The campaign kicked off with all three party members gathered at the Wizards' Grace tavern. There is a large human male, Tullan, from the other side of the Fire Claws. His people worship the deceased primordial pheonix and are known to be great warriors for hire, wielding their unique Phoenix Blades. Next there is Areo, a well-read, spell-sword, high elf who has had many visions of fire and destruction. This destruction seems likely to be draconic in nature and recent visions have lead him to the town of Breachill. Finally, there is Manon, a mysterious witch. She is a high elf as well hailing from Vyinheim in the desert to the east. She has a military background, but somehow obtained an Emerald Dragonling that seems linked to her powers.   It is a local tradition for interested townsfolk and potential contenders for the Call to Heros to meet here before the ceremony. The Call to Heros itself is a monthly ceremony held by the Town Council to have adventures take on dangerous jobs that may be beyond the capabilities of normal duties of the town guard. The town raises funds for this through taxes, but it has a very good return with the town being known for an adventurers hotspot and they bring back a fair share of loot to the town. This is a mutually beneficial relationship and the town takes a lot of pride in being "Hero Makers". The people of Breachill are generally aggressively independent and promoting of the best in humanity.   The Party decided to call themselves The Emerald Dragons after Theodore, Manon's familiar. They mingled for a while and met a couple townsfolk before heading to the Call to Heros. Before going inside they met Warbal Stonetooth and heard her plight. They decided to petition to take on her cause in the ceremony. They also noticed a rival band of adventurers, The Green Spears of Aborsfell. They seem self assured and dismissive of others.   During the meeting in town hall the Green Spears get contracted to take on a bandit threat on the mountain pass roads to the east. The party was already set on Warbal's task, so they did not compete for this job. When Warbal had her turn to speak and announce her quest, the western doors burst open with fire and smoke!   The party went into action right away helping panicked townsfolk up and out of the hall. Quickly after the fire a Fire Sprite danced in on small bat-like wings through the flames. He laughed and set more fires. The party went to combat both him and the fire. Manon had the idea to organize a bucket brigade which would take a few rounds to come to fruition.   It was a tense encounter, but the aprty skillfully dealt with the Sprite through diplomacy and Manon even made a friend of the creature. Areo, and Tullan were able to get enough people out to create the bucket brigade which ended up being the thing that allowed the party to save the town hall from burning down. The party was also able to ascertain that a man named Calmont had stoked the fire on the building and it was he that encouraged Mephismo, the Fire Sprite, to continue the chaos.   The party was rewarded and thanked for their help on the day, especially for saving lives and even preventing the loss of town hall. Greta Gardania, council president, confirmed the party's status as hired and added an additional task, and payment, for bringing back Calmont alive.

Rewards Granted

  • 50sp each
  • 2 Minor healing potions
  • 1 minor anti-plague
  • 1 minor antidote
  • 100 xp for excellently competently dealing with the town hall fire
  • 30 xp for saving the town hall from burning down

Missions/Quests Completed

The party has been successfully contracted to investigate Hunter's Hill on behalf of Warbal Stonetooth. Additionally, the party helped uncover that Calmont, the booksellers apprentice, set the fire and summoned the mephit. Greta has also tasked the party with bringing him back alive for an extra 10gp.

Character(s) interacted with

Warbal: Warbal Stonetooth is the dignified goblin ambassador for the Stonetooth tribe. She was petitioning the Breachill Council to hire heros on her behalf to find the fate of her tribe's leader who seems to be trapped within Citadel Altearein. She is very thanksful of the PCs already and plans to lead them to Hunter's Hill as soon as possible.   Greta Gardania: Grateful that the party managed to save the Town Hall. As the Council President she has offered another 10gp on top of the original amount to bring back Calmont alive.   Mephismo: A mischievous flame sprite who was summoned by calmont to help spread fire in the town hall. He is not necessarily malicious however and the party was able to work out a deal of stopping extra damage in return for shinies (his word for precious metals). Mephismo and many other fae creatures very much covet precious metals which are only found in the Prime Material. In Mephismo's case, he eats them! Very Tasty! Manon thought he was very cute and made friends with him. She can now summon him.   Johannion: Met the party before the Call to Heros. He runs a pastry shop and invited the party to stop by.

Age of Ashes
Report Date
01 Jun 2020
Primary Location

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