Welcome to the Jungle Homepage | World Anvil | World Anvil

Welcome to the Jungle

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of The Scarlet Domain
Saturday 8th January, 2022 Saturday 16 April, 2022 | Full


  • Aeros
Supporting Cast

Scheduled Sessions

Sat 16th April 2022 17:00

Session 11 (p2): The Rifts

The party has been tasked in finding people and monsters that aren't meant to be here, whilst also closing the rifts that have opened!

Sat 2nd April 2022 17:00

Session 11 (p1): Poison and Fate

Yara needs to get to the birth place of Aquarius to heal the poison in her system.

Fri 25th March 2022 17:00

Session 10: An Old 'Friend' and a New Enemy

A person from Four's past comes knocking and a new quest becomes apparent.

Sat 19th March 2022 17:00

Session 9: Odd Jobs

Some side quests!

Sat 12th March 2022 17:00

Session 8: Shadows, Deals and Hugs

As they try to fix there friend, and find a portal to the Shadowfell.

Sat 5th March 2022 17:00

Session 7: Corruption, a House and a Fight

The vampires show the party there house and the corruption around, are they friend or foe?

Sat 19th February 2022 17:00

Session 5/6: A Ball and Vampires

The party heads to ball, will they make more chaos or save them all from the vampires.

Sat 12th February 2022 17:00

Session 4: A Party in the Forest and a New 'Friend'

You get to meet lily's new character and party in the forest.

Sat 5th February 2022 17:00

Session 3: Ghosts and New Places

A haunted wagon could lead anywhere?

Sat 29th January 2022 17:00

Session 2: Consequences and a Genie

Side quests and shopping is in the cards!

Sat 22nd January 2022 17:00

Session 1: A Drive and Chat

The parties job to escort a wagon to the port town.

Sat 8th January 2022 17:00

Session 0: Tis the Season for New Friends

A little village on the way to no where, Aria is celebrating Fest of the Winter Solstice when things don't go as planed!

The world is at your finger tips, what will you do when adventure is laid at your feet!

This story is told by