Session 1: Arrival in Saltmarsh Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Session 1: Arrival in Saltmarsh Report

General Summary

Loot and Income:

  • 20 silver pieces.
  • 10 copper pieces.
  • copper lotus neclace
  • silver ceremonial knife

Rewards Granted

Experience Points:

  • 50 exp per character for the defeat of Arash Jagir and his bandits

Missions/Quests Completed

Blood on the Throne:

  • Naivara, earlier, successfully escaped and avoided capture in the massacre of her father and family members by her uncle Camanthriel.
  • Discovered in a random ambush that a man by the name of Arash Jangir seemed to be able to smell "high blood" and identifying Nairvara. Upon closer, post-mortem inspection, the man had a tattoo on his left breast above the heart that was of a Red Lotus with a single drop of blood coming out of the flower. This symbol is very similar to heraldry on the clothing of Camanthriel and his lackeys.
  Grandfather's Blade:
  • Arrived in Alykes, the central town in the area where Xander's grandfather was last rumored to be.
  • First steps will be to follow up on the potential lead that an alchemist living in town had amassed a hoard of treasures
  Potential Quest Leads:
  • Bandit activity in the area seems increased
  • The crown and council is interested in curbing smuggling being run out of Alykes.
  • Adventuring work for the goliath miners.
  • Adventuring work for the town guard.

Character(s) interacted with

Hera Iona, The Storm Knight: The Storm Knight and her retinue were out on patrol of the main road leading towards Alykes and Golspry further on when they happened to spot the party out by Quinn failing to hide well enough along the side of the road. While first reacting with some hostility due to the dubious nature of a group of armed people hiding on the edge of the road, Xander was able to persuade The Storm Knight of the party's pure intentions. They parted on friendly terms with Iona putting forth the offer to find her again when they have become stronger for there is always work to be done by the strong of good intentions in The Mark.   Arash Jangir: The party encountered Arash leading a group of two bandits in a scam where they used a broken wagon to lure travelers near to be robbed. Somehow Arash seemingly identified Naivra and violence quickly ensued with the opening blow being delivered by Theo(The Faerie Dragon) in the form of a critical hit to Arash's throat! In combat it was revealed that Arash could wield some form of blood magic. Theo tore his throat out and his companions quickly gave up.   Old Jacys: Old Jacys is a guard who often stands duty at the gate. He is the first to greet the party to Alykes and reacted with suspicion and grouchiness at first, giving the party a hard time. He quickly took a shine to the group after being tipped several copper pieces and was quite willing to give out tips and answer questions about where to go in the city.

Kerrie and Tyler Play D&D
Report Date
19 Aug 2019
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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