Session 2: Leads and Hooks Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Session 2: Leads and Hooks Report

General Summary

Naivara and Xander started the session where we left off in the Wicker Goat Tavern and Inn. They had arrived at the inn in the early evening and had secured rooms for the night. They ate dinner and bought a bottle of white wine.   During the evening Arxander and Naivara play some Ricochet Poker with some off duty guards and get some information in the process. Apparently the Alchemists house is haunted and at least one adventurerer is presumed dead after entering. He was never seen again. Also if looking for work, Eliander Fireborn usually has good work for sell-swords. Naivara won a big hand and Xander mostly lost some coppers. Naivara then went to speak to the mysterious woman in the corner. The woman was named Kori and has a dangerous look to her. The spoke for a while, but Kori was mostly vague. She did however, after taking some wine tell Naivara to speak to a man named Pello about the house apparently he had been inside before. She also mentioned finding her again if the party were ever bored of "honest" work. After the that the party retired to their rooms for the night.   In the morning during breakfast they were interrupted by a young woman named Cressida. She was quite striking. She asked the party to escort her to a rendezvous point in the woods where her betrothed would be.She offered 200sp for the task. The party accepts and she says she needs a couple hours to get ready and to meet back at the Wicker Goat.   In the meantime the party go to find the man Pello. Lysander the barkeep of the Wicker Goat, lets them know the man is a trapper/poacher of some ill repute who is often found at the Empty Net which is another tavern catering to the less savory at the docks. The party goes down and meets Kai the Salty at the Empty Net and he gives them some weird vibes and an uneasy feeling especially after they reveal themselves to be outsiders with some amount of money. They go across the street to the alley where Pello is passed out form drink. They rouse him and he turns out to be quite the exaggerator, but he does give them some real information after some intimidation and coin. There is a back entrance to the house that is unlocked. There really is some weird thing that makes loud shrieking noises. At least he heard them when attempting to go into the cellar. He also reveals that Cressida doesn't have a betrothed. At least not publicly.   After leaving Pello the party stop by the Marshwatch Tower to speak with Eliander. He is an old campaigner and looks quite competent. He takes stock of the party and seems to like them, but does offer some warnings to stay on the right side of the law. He tells the party that there are not concrete jobs at the moment, but there might be something to look into. A few people have reported that dark forms have been shifting about in the night. Hes not sure if it si something or not, but it could possibly be a monster. Speciffically there are a couple leads the party could follow up with. Deimos who is a man who likes to cry wolf a lot. He reported something trying to get into his door. Maybe an exaggeration? Also, Althea who is an elderly woman. She saw something getting into her garbage and then lurking away.   The party return to the Wicker Goat and reunite with Cressida. They set forth and are unfortunately ambushed by bandits on the road just as Cressida had feared. The bandits are really starting to become a problem.   Combat breaks loose as Arxander opens with a Toll the Dead. No need to waste time with talk. The party won't give up their money easily. Combat is brutal and 2 hidden bandits make things worse. Crossbow bolts hurt and both Xander and Naivara go down and take wounds during the comabt. In the end however, the party is victorious and with a massive critical strike that divides one bandit cleanly in two, the others run away. Exhausted and hurt the party takes a short rest to treat their wounds and recover some energy.   That is where things left off. The party will pick up next time.

Rewards Granted

50 exp per character

Kerrie and Tyler Play D&D
Report Date
01 Sep 2019
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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